Bedtime Story

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I felt exhausted. Utterly knackered and absolutely lost. I had actually received a call not long ago from one of the girls dorm mothers, Julie; asking how I was with the "death of my grandmother" and I had by any chance heard from either Katie or Victoria, as they hadn't returned from their outing that evening. During the week, upper classmen were allowed to leave the schools premises if they were boarding there, but had to be back in time for the half past nine curfew; ten at the latest if they rang ahead to say they were running late or were on their way back. It was way past eleven o'clock at night when Julie rang and she was starting to sound worried. Katie and Victoria had apparently gone in to Hitchin earlier, to treat themselves to a meal at a new Chinese restaurant they wanted to try. But they hadn't returned and hadn't called.

Julie said she was going to call Katie and Victoria again, then call round a few more people if she couldn't reach them. Then she would call the police. At this point, I would've expected her to have rang them by now. After I spoke to her, I went for a shower just to see if it would make me feel any better, then put my pj's and fluffy bathrobe on. I situated myself in the living room, sat on the floor at the coffee table with my back to the fire, drying my still damp hair as I really was not in the mood to do it myself. I did however make sure to text Liam earlier telling him about what had happened. He said he would pass this on to his uncle and that they would get their allied wolf clan to help out. So maybe tomorrow, there was the possibility that we may be meeting them all. I just hoped everyone got along.

Iris had poked her head in for a little while as she provided me with some comfort, reassuring me that tomorrow when it was daylight; her and the other vampires would do their best to help in finding my friends, Francesca and possibly even more women that the horrible Bruce creep had, or could still kidnap. She retreated to her room bigging me a goodnight when Duncan came in, with my now made mug of Horlicks I never got the chance to make properly before. She squeezed his shoulder as she left and I heard her tell him to "look after" me. Duncan placed the mug down on the coffee table then sat down on the floor beside me.

'Thank you.' I said to Duncan as I brought the mug to my lips, sipping at the hot malty drink. It's warmth and sweetness made a small smile creep on to my face.

'No problem. How you holding up Maddie?' Duncan asked.

'Terrible, to be honest. Physically and emotionally drained.' I replied, still sipping my drink.

'We'll find them Maddie.' He reassured me, taking my left hand in his and gently squeezing. I just leant my head on his shoulder. I could have totally started crying again, but I wasn't in the mood for that either. I wasn't going to cry any more. It was time I put my big girl knickers on, like I usually did whenever I was in a situation and get my head properly in the game. My best friends, Francesca and the women of Hitchin were in danger and I was going to do my damn best to help stop this Bruce creep, from hurting and killing any more.

Duncan and I looked up when we heard the door rattle and Arne walked in. He parked himself down on the settee opposite us.

'Well Morrigan is finally in bed.' Arne told us.

'Is she okay?' I asked him, concerned for my Aunt as she had lost it before in that god forsaken car park. I'd felt her energy go crazy once or twice before, but nothing like what happened earlier on that night. Her anger had manifested in to a destructive force, causing that part of town to completely loose power and things to blow up and explode.

'She'll be fine. I helped her in the bath then got her tucked up in bed. She'll be back to normal after a good night's sleep and a big breakfast tomorrow.'

'Thank you Arne, you take such great care of her. It's, sweet.' I smiled at him. I was growing quite fond of Arne now, especially with how he treated my Aunt.

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