Mambo Italiano

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I was beginning to think boarding school was maybe a bad idea seeing as I'd spoken to the police twice in the same day, about two different things that they didn't know were probably related in the weirdest way possible. School should not be this exciting. No, was exciting even the correct word?

I was sat on a bench near the schools playing fields and athletic track not far from where the body was found. The entire track was filled with police cars but now there was the addition of two ambulances, one of which had Francesca in it wailing her head off. They were treating her for a few cuts, scraps and bruises but nothing major. The sound coming from the ambulance said otherwise as she was being quite the drama queen as per usual.

The police had already interviewed Liam and myself and were attempting to get something out of Francesca whilst she was being sorted out by the paramedics. Liam had been chatting to his friends for a brief moment before he came over and sat down beside me on the bench.

'How you holding up?' He asked.

'Fine I guess. You?'


Silence. Thankfully it was soon broken by the arrival of my Auntie M and Mr Evans.

'Hey are you two okay?' Mr Evans asked us both. I've never been asked that question so much before it was starting to get irritating. We just both nodded in reply.

'Well I heard the police say they don't need you for any more questions. Mr Banks has called off classes for the rest of the day I think he's having a melt down.' Mr Evan's sighed and rubbed the back of his head.

'Daniel and I have had an idea though. You two go and get changed and meet us in the staff car park in an hour, we're going out for tea tonight. Casual-smart okay?' Auntie M addressed Liam and I. Wow, Auntie M moved quick we were going on family outings now.

I didn't need to be told twice so I nodded. Same went for Liam. My Auntie M gave me the biggest hug, which I needed after what had happened. We quickly made our way back to our dorms to get ready. I was in dire need of a shower, I wanted to wash the sweat and dirt off me and get in to some nice clean clothes. Back in my dorm I was greeted by Katie and Victoria who didn't quiz me about what the police had been asking, which I was grateful for but they simply gave me some hugs. Apparently it was all about the hugs today but to be honest I wasn't complaining. I told them I was off out with my Aunt Tonight before I went for a quick shower, deciding not to wash my hair as it would take too long for me to dry and style. I threw on a green V-neck knitted jumper with white stars dotted all over it and a pair of black jeans, my black Chelsea boots I fished out of the back of my wardrobe and the leather jacket my Auntie M bought for me. After tying my hair up in a messy bun and applying a quick bit of make up, I was ready to go; not forgetting my cute little black handbag with my purse and my phone in it.

I bid my friends goodbye and quickly made my way out to the staff car park behind the faculty dormitory. Auntie M was already there deciding to change in to comfier clothes too; black skinny jeans, army boots, a Royal Stewart tartan checked shirt and a long chunky knit black cardigan. It was jeans weather, made apparent by Mr Evans and Liam walking over to us minutes after I had turned up; both in fashionable jeans, Liam in a black and white striped jumper and Mr Evans in a white V-neck tshirt and black cardigan combo. I had to admit, they both looked rather handsome but what got both my Auntie M and I was the smell of cologne. I don't know what it was but men just seemed to have this thing with dousing themselves with cologne whenever they weren't wearing their regular clothes and were off out somewhere. I did recognise the scent emitting from Mr Evans though, it was Joop. And right before my eyes I could see my Auntie M having some nostalgia based flashback type thing. I remember her talking to me a little while ago about her teenage years back up North where our family came from and where both her and my mother were born. She had this knack for telling stories in a really funny but really gross way sometimes.

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