Everyday I write the Book

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I woke with a bit of a start on Sunday morning, coughing slightly and feeling like I was smelling a bit like a bonfire. I looked over to where Victoria's bed was, she was standing in front of her wardrobe putting her clean clothes on hangars and rearranging everything around.

'Oh, morning Maddie.' Victoria said to me. 'I've just boiled the kettle if you want some tea?' She said as she finished hanging her clothes up, then made her way over to our small kettle.

'Morning, cheers that sounds great.' I spluttered and coughed as I up-righted myself, having a quick glance at my phone for the time; just gone twenty to nine. I watched as Victoria made me a mug of tea with milk and two sugars and sat it down beside me on my bedside table. I thanked her and graciously took a huge gulp of the sweet, hot tea. Victoria stared at me for a brief moment.

'Did you go out last night? Or go sleep walking or something?' She asked me.

'Wait what?'

Victoria reached over and rustled about in my hair. She pulled out a few twigs and leaves and showed me.

'Oh, I don't know.' I stared at the random leaves and twigs in Victoria's hand. She just shook her head and threw the loose shrubbery in the waste bin.

'Maddie you should really go see a doctor or something. You've not been yourself since we started the new term and you've been poorly too.'

I sighed and nodded at her.

'Yeah I probably should.'

'Anyway I was gonna head over to the dining hall shortly for some breakfast if you wanna come?'

'Yeah I think I might, Auntie M's coming for me soon.'

I dragged myself out of bed and quickly tried to make my duvet look a bit less dishevelled. I drank the rest of my tea and quickly threw on some moderately presentable clothes then hurried in to the communal shower rooms to wash my face and brush my teeth. Fifteen minutes later and I was making my way to the dining hall with Victoria. Weekend breakfasts at the school were pretty relaxed and we could pretty much do what we wanted but they always opened up the dining hall every morning regardless. Some students religiously went to the dining hall during the week but some of us couldn't be bothered and ended up having a morning brew and a slice of toast at our dorm instead. It depended on what day it was really, as the breakfast menu never really changed so we usually went on a Wednesday for Eggs Benedict.

But right now, Victoria and I were tucking in to scrambled eggs on toast with cups of tea and a small glass of orange juice each.

'Does Liam Blakeley fancy you or something?' Victoria asked me under her breath.

'Is he staring again?' I nonchalantly asked her back just as I was cramming some food in to my mouth.

'Yeah, pretty intently.'

'That's it.'

Now I really was in the mood to go over and give him a piece of my mind. I began to rise from my seat but Victoria tugged me back down.

'Hey, Mr Evans just walked in and sat next to Liam.' She whispered. I turned my head ever so slightly and caught sight of them in the corner of my eye. I watched for a few seconds but quickly turned back when I say Mr Evans look at me at the same time as Liam. It was weird and it kind of freaked me out a little. What the hell was wrong with them?

Victoria and I finished our breakfast and made our way outside, just when my Auntie M had come roaring up to our dorm building in her BMW. She turned off the engine and got out, leaning her arm on the roof of the car.

'Morning you two.' Auntie M beamed at us. She shut the door and came round the front of her car and sat on the bonnet. Today she was wearing all black, black boots, black leggings, a mid-length asymmetrical jumper and a black leather jacket. She had her black hair tied back in to a messy bun and her eyes were excessively lined in black also. She looked like she was going through a bit of a Goth moment.

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