We'll Grind That Axe For a Long Time

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'Oh my Goddess I'm so shit at this!'

Macy was cackling away as she wandered back over to where I was stood with her sister Molly. It was Thursday night and my cousins had come down for a visit. Macy had just got paid from her part time job and said she would treat us to a fun night. Seeing as I was a changed woman now deciding to have some more fun, I skipped Wednesdays after school Judo class to go out with my cousins instead. I did have another Judo class on Thursday so that one I would definitely go to. They had chosen an interesting activity for us tonight; Axe throwing. I'd never done it before and neither had my cousins so we agreed it might be fun. We had a full hour to chuck small axes at old wooden pallets and we had added our own rules to the event. Well, rule singular. We were to use absolutely no magic at all to cheat, so we were playing fair and square. But after nearly a full hour, we were all on our last throws and Macy was loosing in points. I was just behind Molly and the final throw was mine.

I spent what seemed like a lifetime aiming for the bullseye which would get me the most points, but all that aiming and concentration was in vain. I hit the ring round the bullseye, that meant Molly had won. She was absolutely beaming. Macy was a bit sore abut losing to her sister, but we had fun anyway. We were already planning on coming back, even more so now as the place also served an amazing pizza. We decided to stay a bit longer and order a few thin crust pepperonis whilst we had a good long girly catch up.

'We invited Auntie M to night but she said she had another coven meeting.' Molly said as she wiped her hands on a napkin. 'I forget what coven it was though, one in Norfolk or something?'

'Great Yarmouth.' Macy answered as she bit in to a particularly cheesy slice.

'How many areas does she cover again? Is it six?' I asked.

'Uhm, I think it's six? Molly replied not sounding so sure. In fact I think she only took on Norfolk recently because someone else had it in their jurisdiction but they had too much on already.'

Macy and I "ahh'd." Auntie M was a stupidly busy woman, Goddess knows how she managed to do everything.

'Anyway enough about that, you need to tell us what's happening with Duncan.' Molly nudged me and giggled. I could feel myself starting to blush.

'There's nothing to tell really. We've had that one date already and we're going out again this Friday. Where to I don't know, it's a surprise.' My face was feeling hot now, I distracted myself by picking up another slice of pizza. My cousins grinned and squealed.

'I bet you and Duncan will be bonded in like, no time.' Macy stated. That made me think, I had questions to ask them.

'Oh are you two bonded with any vampires at all?' I was genuinely curious. I had been reading up on the whole witch and vampire bonding thing in my My First Coven handbook and there wasn't a whole lot on the subject. Just that witches and vampires often form complex bonds with a vampire or vampires; sometimes totally platonic or even romantic. Nobody really knew why but if there was a distinct " magical pull" between those involved, then it was kinda meant to happen. And these witches and vampires looked after each other, incredibly well. I figured I could ask a bit more about it.

'I'm bonded with a vampire.' Molly said. 'He's Italian, called Luca and he's a part of Arne's clan. You haven't met him yet he's on like some sabbatical at the moment. I can't wait till he's back though I miss him loads.' Molly scrolled through her phone and showed me a picture of herself and Luca. Luca must have been turned in his mid twenties, he didn't seem very tall well not compared to Arne and Duncan he must have been around five foot either or nine, but he had gorgeous curls of dark chocolate brown hair that fell to the tops of his ears, a healthy tanned-olive complexion which seemed a little odd on a vampire and deep almost black eyes that sparkled like obsidian. He was stood behind Molly in the photo, hugging her and resting his chin on her shoulder; the pair of them with huge smiles on their faces. They looked absolutely fucking adorable.

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