Blood Sings

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So I'm pretty sure I was correct in assuming that the thing that connected all of the kidnappings and subsequent murders of all those poor women up to now, was in fact the supermarket of the middle and upper-middle classes; Waitrose. I mean it had to be, all of the streets that the women had last been seen on surrounded the place. I couldn't wait for my Aunt to get back so I could tell her all about my amateur sleuthing. I didn't have to wait long though as she came strolling in to the lab with Arne in tow just around dinner time. I say dinner time, I actually meant lunch time. My Aunt's vernacular was rubbing off on me.

'Wow Maddie you've been busy.' My Aunt said to me as she looked up at the cork board with all of the photos and random bits of police reports I had cut up and neatly arranged on it. I had even got a hold of different colours of string and had hooked them on to the thumbtacks making lines from one point to another, connecting everything; kind of liked what you see in films and TV shows. I was quite proud of myself to say the least. I watched My Aunt study the cork board then turned to look at Duncan and Arne who were rooting around in the little fridge my Aunt kept some bags of blood in for them if they got a little peckish. It seemed like they needed to do a restock as there was no B negative for either of them and they had to settle on a few bags of O negative, warmed up for half a minute in the microwave. I wasn't even phased by this any more nor I did I feel a bit queasy at the thought or sight of them sat around the island, casually drinking out of their Vampire Capri Suns. This was their dinner, who am I to judge? They would probably recoil at the fact that I occasionally indulged in a digestive biscuit drizzled with salad cream once in a while.

I looked back at my Aunt who was now staring at me with a pretty serious face.

'Don't tell me it's Waitrose. It's fucking Waitrose isn't it?' She said to me deadpan.

'I'm fairly sure it is Auntie M.'

'Where did you get all of these reports and other photos?'

'Duncan got it all for me.' I smiled. Duncan was sat opposite Arne, sucking the last few drops of O neg out of the bags. He looked over and casually waved.

'Nice one. In fact that's awesome, I should've maybe pulled a few tricks when we were there about Francesca but...'

'Not exactly a thing on your to do list when you're reporting a kidnapping.' I said.

'Exactly. Kinda hard to concentrate when you're doing something serious regarding someone's life, even though they are an abhorrent spoilt little twat.'

It probably wasn't the nicest thing to do but I did let out a little chuckle. To be honest, I was sort of thinking the same thing. Francesca was horrible at the best of times, but even being a nasty piece of work; she didn't deserve to be kidnapped and sacrificed in the most awful way possible like the other women.

'Where have you two been anyway? You've been gone all morning.' I asked.

'Well we, have been doing our own sleuthing too.' My Aunt said as she walked round to Arne and draped her arms around him, resting her chin on the top of his head.

'Oh Christ that's not a euphemism for some weird sex thing is it?' I quipped, it literally fell out of my mouth. Duncan instantly started laughing and it even got a near spit-take out of Arne who just started doing this strange almost noiseless chuckle. My Aunt looked a little taken aback, somewhere in between howling with laughter and embarrassment.

'Err no actually. It could be though...' She trailed off and grinned. I just buried my face in to my hands. My Aunt continued.

'You mentioned that odd little book you found in the school library yeah? The abridged history of Saint Augustines or whatever? Well, we found the author. We actually went and had a little chat with her earlier.'

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