Oh What a Night

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When Auntie M said we would be upping my training, she wasn't kidding. She told me to put my coat on and meet her outside on the back lawn. She started flinging things at me with her powers like we usually did. I would throw up a shield of some variety to protect myself from the incoming projectile, usually some kind of spherical object like a ball or even fruit occasionally. I think the biggest I ever got chucked at me was a watermelon and that didn't end so well. I had however got to a point where I didn't need to form a huge globe shaped shield around me and I could just wave my hand in the general direction of the thing flying toward me and just, bat it away almost. Auntie M had shown me how to do that and I picked up the technique quite quickly. Still, I was expecting to be learning some cool new spells in the lab and not be stood outside on a cold afternoon having shit lobbed at me at thirty miles an hour.

'C'mon Maddie! Keep going! Anything that might be attacking you won't give you a damn break! COME ON!'

My Aunt was screaming at me as she kept launching random items at me. I had graduated from cricket balls and grapefruits and coconuts to deckchairs, side lamps and wrenches. I couldn't help but think she started throwing wrenches at me because we had watched Dodgeball the a few nights ago and it inspired her. Auntie M would carry on summoning random objects and continue her telekinetic assault on me. I was doing so well until I smelt Duncan and Arne come outside which totally broke my concentration, just as a claw hammer was mere feet away from my face. I had literally just turned my head to look in the direction of where Duncan and Arne were but thankfully my Aunt was switched on and magically turned the hammer from a solid, potentially lethal item in to nothing but a dogs squeaky toy. It still hit me in the face, but thankfully didn't leave me with any injuries. It squeaked as it hit my cheek then fell to the ground before disappearing. I looked down to wear the toy hammer was and looked to find myself face to face with my Aunt, she made me jump a little as it took the blink of an eye for her to get to me.

'Okay I know Duncan and Arne are an absolute delightfully handsome pair of distractions, but you can't let your guard down Maddie.' She told me sternly. Oh boy, the kid gloves were off.

'Why do they have to smell so good though?' I asked her, seeing Arne and Duncan out the corner of my eye sniggering at what I just said. Of course they heard us talking even at a distance away.

'They just do. Yes it's infuriating. Come on you two don't just stand there we got shit to do!' She shouted over to the vampires. Again, in the blink of an eye they were standing beside us. I jumped again, apparently I wasn't supposed to be in my skin right now.

'Right Maddie, there's a broom in the utility room I want you to summon it.'

I nodded. I had found an item summoning spell in the family Grimoire a little while ago. Well, I say I found it, the book actually shifted it's pages to show me the spell as I had mislaid my purse earlier on that day and I couldn't find it. The spell itself was fairly simple if you needed to use a chant out loud to make it work, but seeing as I was getting better at controlling my abilities; I only ever needed to chant or recite words for complicated spells. Now all I needed to do for this particular spell was concentrate, chant the words in my head and the thing I wanted to summon would materialize in front of me. Sometimes with great force. I tried it once with my dorm room key I had lost just as I was about to go out and it soon went flying past me upwards from the floor where it then got embedded in the ceiling. Retrieving the broom however wasn't as exciting, it slowly took form in my right hand.

'Nice Maddie. Right get up there.' My Aunt said as she pointed upward. She wanted me to get on the broom and hover above the lawn. Doing as I was told, I mounted the broom then quickly flew up to about forty feet above the ground.

'What now?!' I shouted down to my Aunt. I swear I could see a slight grin forming on her face even at this distance.

'Dodge and block Maddie!' She shouted back at me. As soon as she said that, she used her magic to form a huge mound of stuff on the grass then instructed Arne and Duncan to proceed with launching said stuff at me. I nearly fell off my damn broom as a hardback copy of the Oxford English Dictionary went sailing past my head.

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