Dead Man's Party

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(Authors Note: Hey guys, hope you're all okay! I'm still testing positive for the 'rona but I finally got a bit of strength to do something, hence this chapter. To those who read this, can you give me some feedback at all if you have a spare moment please? Let me know what you think of the characters or ask me any questions if you have any, I'd love to hear from you all. :) And please give Living in the Fray a go too, it's quite fun! Enjoy this chapter. xxx)


If I've ever been sat on a settee in the middle of the woods with a cup of tea feeling totally confused once, then I've been sat on a settee in the middle of the woods with a cup of tea feeling totally confused what seems like a million times by now.

Everyone in the coven seemed to know all of the people who just randomly showed up. I say people but I meant vampires, which were apparently a thing and we were friends with. I had been sat down, with a large mug of tea and then I was presented with something that just made me snort laugh. I had been given a small book by Deirdre, no difference in thickness to a small book of short stories. Deirdre told me to go sit down for a little while, take everything in and have a quick read of the book.

"My First Coven: A Guide to the World of Magic, Spirituality and the Supernatural. Eighty Ninth Edition."

The cover was a tad humorous, with it's odd title and strange little pictures of black cats and broomsticks on the front. I flicked through the pages, randomly stopping and having a quick read of what was there.

'Congratulations on your initiation and joining your first witches coven! This book will guide you through the first stages of your time as a fledgling magic user. You may already know how to do some spells and maybe have even learnt how to fly a broom.'

I grinned a little as I read on, flicking through more of the pages and having a quick read to see if there was anything relevant to my current situation.

'Vampires have long been an ally of witches. Many covens are usually in partnership with a single Vampire clan and this partnership can last for decades, sometimes even hundreds of years. It is said that the form magic that witches uses, is similar to the same magic that makes Vampires what they are and gives them their special abilities. This is why witches and Vampires are often drawn together.'

I looked up to watch everyone. My cousins Molly and Macy were busy chatting with two younger looking vampires who may or may not be actually ancient. They were joking and laughing and showing each other stuff on their phones, typical of any other teenagers. The vampires were both a young boy and girl and they seemed to have similar facial features, I wonder if they were actually related. Gabrielle and Brianna were being helped out by a physically older looking member of the vampire clan to keep the bonfire in check. Glancing over at Auntie M, I saw she was currently sitting on the lap of the vampire known as Arne. They were all over each other, it was all sorts gross. Then I wondered what Mr Evans would have to say about it? I mean, I thought he and my Aunt had something going. I went back to the book.

'Witch hunters are unfortunately a part of our world that we have to deal with occasionally. They are few and far between but it still doesn't make any interaction with them any less gruelling.'

I felt the cushions move on the settee I was sat on. Looking beside me, there was yet another young looking vampire casually smiling at me. I closed the book and laid it on my lap.

'Hi there.' The vampire said to me, holding out his hand. He had a bit of an accent, Scottish from the sound of it. 'I'm Duncan, it's a pleasure to finally meet you Madelyn.'

My First Covenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن