Monster Mash

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 At some point I had managed to stop making a complete fool out of myself, long enough I pick myself up off the ground and clean up a bit. I had dirt and leaves stuck to my cloak and some dirt was even smeared over my face, but I was issued wet wipes and tissues by some of the others so I could at least get the gunk off my face. At least my little episode wasn't as embarrassing as some of the others or so they told me.

But thankfully as a bit of a distraction, Victoria and Kate had called me from the school Halloween party. I'm surprised I even got any phone reception out here, but I was glad to hear from them.

'How is it? What did everyone turn up in?' I asked. Katie and Victoria had put me on speaker phone and I could sort of hear some music in the background.

'Oh the hall looks great, they went to town on the decorations.' Katie told me. 'Are you gonna be able to come back I mean you gotta see some of these costumes?'

'Yeah I'm not sure about that, I wish I could though.' I said as I looked over to where my Aunt, my cousins and the rest of the coven were. 'In fact, lemme get back to you in a few I think some people are leaving.'

I hung up my phone as my friends acknowledged I'd get back to them. I was being beckoned over to the group where our vampire friends were in fact leaving.

'Is everyone going already?' I asked as I made my way over. A few nodded, some members of the coven had things to attend to such as their families, or pets they had to let out. A few of them had their own spells to get back to that they had started before they left and needed time to develop before returning after a while. The vampires however had to go feed for the night. Where or how they fed, or who they fed on was not something I wanted to know so I packed the questions in. I guess I was still having a bit of a hard time that vampires were a thing but I should learn that nothing should be a surprise any more.

'Thank you for a wonderful night everyone.' Arne announced to us all. 'May we all come together again for another soiree soon.'

I felt a little bad when the vampires left as I couldn't quite remember all of their names, but they were all really, really nice. You would think that creatures with such a bad reputation; going by what was said about them in novels and movies and the like, that they would genuinely be awful. But I suppose as I had only just been made aware of the existence of vampires and had met a clan of them; my opinion could change. I guess it was steadily changing for the better as Duncan came and stood next to me and casually nudged my side.

'Here, take this.' He said to me as he pushed a small piece of folded paper in to my hand. I unwrapped it and read the writing on it. It was Duncan's phone number.

'Call me anytime, I mean if you wanna like hang out or something.'

I swear if vampires could blush then Duncan would be scarlet right now. I mean, he was turned quite young but for someone who had lived for the hundreds of years he had, Duncan still had a boyish charm about him. He was handsome, more handsome than Liam dare I say and definitely not backward at coming forward which Liam sort of lacked as a personality trait, as he was a little more reserved.

'Oh, cool. I mean, yeah... I'd like that.' I smiled as I replied. 'Here let me call you now so you have my number.'

I jabbed the numbers in to my phone and quickly rang Duncan's for a few rings. He quickly saved my number in to his phone.

'Great, maybe I'll call you first.' Duncan grinned at me. Oh if I was fancying anyone right now then it was definitely Duncan. Liam would have to literally fight for the top spot that's for sure. My thought's were now starting to wander a little, especially when I looked over to my Aunt who was yet again being spun round by Arne. They were both laughing with each other and they genuinely looked like they were having fun.

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