Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic

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Authors Note: Don't forget, I have a Spotify playlist available with music mentioned throughout Coven, in the chapter titles and what has also inspired me while writing! If you have Spotify and would like some tunes on in the background while you're reading then please, be my guest. :)



Okay, so if I had the chance to live permanently in a mansion then I totally would. After last night's tea and cheese toasties I had an amazing sleep in the comfiest bed ever, followed by a long lie in. I woke up around half past nine in the morning, threw on my slippers and bathrobe, not forgetting to let Domino climb in to the hood when he woke and then made my way in to the kitchen. I was greeted good morning by several vampires on my way there and again when I actually got in to the kitchen. I noticed that most of the vampires were carrying those thermal insulated coffee mugs and if I had to hazard a guess, there definitely was not coffee in them. Over in one corner of the kitchen attempting to crack some eggs in to a pan of boiling water, was my Aunt in her silky nightwear but she was also wearing Arne who had wrapped himself round her and was snuggling in to her neck.

After surveying the kitchen, I went and sat down at the large table that occupied the other side from the counters and island. I got my phone out and decided to message Katie and Victoria just to give them an update on how I was doing. They had messaged me after the Halloween party at school after noticing I was gone and I just told them the reason my Aunt had given the school; that we were both poorly with the flu and that I was staying with my Aunt back at her house. She did have a house a few hours drive away, but most of the time she rented it out as holiday accommodation as she was barely there.

'Morning, did you sleep okay?'

I nearly jumped out of my skin as Duncan appeared and took a seat right beside me. One thing that made me laugh is that vampires apparently enjoy some good lounge-wear. All of them milling about including Duncan and Arne were decked out in some pretty expensive but comfortable looking tracksuits, sweatpants, sweatshirts, you name it. I'm also pretty sure I saw one of the vampire clan shuffling around in a pair of Crocs which nearly sent me over the edge.

'Good morning Duncan, yes I slept well thank you. Yourself?'

'I did sleep for a little while.' Duncan replied. 'I'll eat, run some errands then go have a snooze in a bit.'

Wow, vampires take naps. I guess seeing as they weren't at their full power or whatever during the day but still had stuff to do that could only be done during the day, I dunno pick up their dry cleaning or take their car for its MOT or something; then obviously they'd break it up with naps. I wish I could do that, there would be nothing better than having forty winks just after lunch time.

'How are your arms?'

I was in a bit of a daze thinking about what vampires got up to during the day but snapped back to it when Duncan was quizzing me. I looked down at my arms then held them up for him to see with his own eyes.

'Much better.' I smiled. They were much better this morning, there was just a slight remaining blueish-grey tinge and my fingertips were just a touch numb still. But they were getting better, thankfully that horrible searing, stabbing pain I had when that weirdo blighted my arms was gone.

Duncan's phone then started going off, with the opening theme music from the Batman animated cartoon which was pretty cool, albeit funny considering.

'I better go Maddie. Have a nice day.' He got up and waved at me just as he answered his phone, leaving me sat at the table, I also noticed Arne had peeled himself off my Aunt and follow Duncan out. Auntie M had sauntered over with a plate and mug and placed them on the table in front of me; two slices of heavily buttered toast smeared edge to edge with raspberry jam and a huge mug of tea.

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