Cheeseburger In Paradise

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Our early dinner wasn't as awkward as I thought as thankfully we had spent most of it talking about where we were all up to in our investigation. I had my trusty notebook out with all my notes and drawings I've been doing since this whole ordeal started. I had the names of all the victims, their ages and all other relevant information pertaining to where they worked and where their bodies were found. I had the drawings of all the symbols that were used on the weird skull thing we found in the school and what had been carved on to the bodies of the poor murdered women; some of the symbols had been borrowed from the covers of Blue Oyster Cult albums and subsequently didn't work for their intended purpose.

What I did discover though was the fact that warlocks are pretty limited with the magic they can actually do. Like my Aunt had mentioned to me ages ago, witches were just naturally stronger and more powerful; my Aunt felling every man in Mr Evans' coven was proof of that. Plus as I was sat opposite Liam in our booth, I could feel I was surpassing him massively in strength. Warlocks could do a lot of the same magic as witches could but for some reason, it wasn't as effective nor did certain spells last that long. Witches tended to develop their powers at a steady rate normally but some were quicker if they had a talent or were gifted. Apparently it took warlocks a little longer to master most things but when they did, they were in the bank due to all the practice they had to do. I had read in the My First Coven handbook that modern warlocks were descended from Druids. The book itself didn't have much to say about Druids well, nothing of interest anyway or anything good for that matter. It said that Druids were medicine men, religious leaders and advisors and pretty much just walked around a lot and had lots of meetings that didn't really amount to much.

'Waitrose? Are you kidding me?' Mr Evens looked perplexed as he glanced through my most recent notes. Liam leaned over to have a look himself and just grinned.

'And the police haven't figured this out yet?' Mr Evans continued.

'Well we're pretty certain it all revolves around Waitrose. All of the kidnappings have happened quite literally around or near the building.' My Auntie M said as she rearranged the innards of the cheeseburger she had ordered before picking it up and taking a huge bite, tilting her head sideways just so she could get it in her mouth. I was already halfway through my burger I was absolutely ravenous. I glanced down at the sheer amount of food my Aunt and I had ordered, we had over twice as much as what Mr Evans and Liam had got.

'We've asked some of our coven to keep an eye out in town, most of them live locally.' Liam added his two cents. 'They haven't really seen anything out of the ordinary.'

'And our bonded werewolf pack haven't picked anything up either.' Mr Evans continued.

'Yeah that's because werewolves aren't the greatest, all they wanna do is run around and hump things.' I heard My Aunts voice in my head. I tried to keep my face straight but ended up cramming more food in to my mouth to hide the fact I wanted to laugh. I could smell a slight, weird wet dog like smell emitting from both Mr Evans and Liam but it wasn't too offensive. I think I remembered being told or reading somewhere that warlocks didn't bond the same way with werewolves like witches did with vampires. Some did but it wasn't really that common.

'Werewolves are good at tracking granted, but they lack the experience vampires acquire over many lifetimes. Our vampires will do a better job now they know exactly what they're after.'

I was beginning to understand why there was a strange rivalry between witches and warlocks now; even between vampires and werewolves too. Obviously these were rivalries that had gone on for a very, very long time but even now, sometimes you could feel some apprehension. Witches with feminine energy were just better overall and it was a bit of a sore point with the warlocks, hence why some of them had this nasty habit of trying to steal our powers. But of course, most of these rivalries boiled down to whoever was, or thought they were better. Typical.

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