We'll Meet Again

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 'In our main story tonight. The women kidnapped from Hitchen over the past week have finally been found and are safe in police custody. Local authorities have also ascertained that the kidnapper was also behind the recent spate of murders in the area, the perpetrator of which has been named as twenty seven year old Bruce Allen of Hitchen. While the kidnapped women are now safe and receiving medical treatment, police have released more information regarding Allen, who we are now told was discovered to have died by suicide at a location just outside of Hitchen.'

I woke to the sound of the news on telly, I was pretty confused and out of it actually. I was in my own bed at Arne's mansion, with Domino curled up asleep on my belly. I had the driest mouth though, so after a bit of a stretch I propped myself up on my pillows; disturbing Domino from his sleep. He also stretched a little then made his way over to my hand where he nudged his head a few times against my fingers, signalling he wanted a head scratch. I obliged as I sat up a bit further, reaching over to my bedside table where there was a big unopened bottle of water waiting for me. I practically tipped it down my neck, savouring the coolness as it quenched my thirst and also took away some of the rank taste I had in my mouth.

Domino had continued padding around on my duvet right where my belly was, deciding he was starting a shift at the bakery; he kneaded the duvet rhythmically for a few minutes before he decided to take a nap again. He did open an eye when the door to me room opened and Duncan stepped through.

'Hey, you're finally awake.' Duncan said as he walked round to my side of the bed with a big cup of tea in his hand. He placed it down on the side table and carefully sat on the bed next to me, scratching Domino's head a little before he took my right hand; giving it a gentle squeeze.

'Hey. Um, how long have I been out?' I figured this would be a good question to ask seeing as Duncan had said I was "finally" awake.

'About two days.'

I nearly lurched forward at the mention of this. Where were my friends? Where was my Auntie Morrigan and just exactly what in the name of all that's fucking holy has happened?

'Feel up to walking? I can take you to go see your Aunt if you want? She's probably better off explaining everything to you.' Said Duncan. He let go of my hand and grabbed my fluffy bathrobe from the back of the bathroom door, helping me put it on then holding my hand as he walked me down the hallway to where my Aunt was. Duncan tapped on the door a few times before opening it and guiding me in. Dominio, still kitten sized but with slightly longer legs didn't struggle so much now when he followed me about. He even made short work of clambering up on to Auntie M's bed where he sat beside Duke, saying "auntie's birfday!"

Auntie Morrigan was sat bolt upright in bed with one of those odd little table things that went over your legs for when you had breakfast in bed or something. Except there wasn't anything remotely breakfast looking on it, just a huge mug of tea and what looked like a birthday cake that could serve at least twenty five people.

Oh shit I forgot, it was her birthday.

'Ah Auntie M I bloody forgot!' I exclaimed as I slapped my forehead. 'Hang on I got you something ages ago it's in my room.' I said as I turned to leave.

'It's okay I'll go get it.' Duncan said. He left to go get the present and birthday card I had hidden in a gift bag under my bed, returning a few moments later. I took the bag off him and gave it to my Aunt, giving her a gentle hug.

'Happy birthday Auntie M. I hope you like it.'

She smiled at me with the slightest smear of cake icing in the corner of her mouth, licking it away as she opened the card and bag. She pulled a smallish black box out of the bag and opened it up, revealing a thick, chunky silver ring with a large round turquoise stone set in it. I found it in an antique shop not long ago and was instantly drawn to it. The ring itself had a good vibe emitting from it and I just knew it would be something my Aunt would love.

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