She Blinded me With Science

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 The end of the day couldn't come quick enough. The final bell of the day came at quarter to four and I bid a quick farewell to Victoria and Katie who had their after school lessons to get to. I had nothing after school, so I wandered back up to my Auntie M's classroom. I knocked on the already open door and walked in to find her looking up and smiling at me.

'Hey kiddo. You had a good day today?' She asked, looking up from her paperwork. She was sat leaning over her bench with a pen in hand and her lab coat still on.

I jumped up on to one of the benches at the front of the class and laid my bag beside me. 'Yeah it wasn't so bad, it's Monday so I'm usually on auto pilot.' I chuckled.

'Do you have any groups or lessons to get to?' Auntie M asked me. I just shook my head in reply.

'Ah good, I could use some help if you have a spare hour before dinner.'

'Yeah I just need to go and dump my stuff and get changed, what do you need help with?'

'The school sorted me accommodation in the teachers quarters, I need to move some stuff in.'

I raised an eyebrow. 'Couldn't you just like, teleport your stuff in?' I asked. I genuinely wanted to know why she was physically moving stuff in. Auntie M chuckled a bit.

'I could, but I need to keep up appearances y'know. Need to look well, normal whatever that is.'

It dawned on me then. Yeah sure she could teleport everything in to the room they had given her but it would be weird if anybody noticed she had all of her stuff there but had never actually seen her physically move it in. I "ahh'd" in response.

'I just have a few boxes and a few cases and some of my supplies I brought some of it up this morning but didn't have time for the rest. Then after we've brought it all in we can go get our tea yeah?'

'Sure thing Auntie M!' I was a little excited as I'd get to go in to the teachers dormitory. Some of our teachers were live in at the school as they had other responsibilities as well as teaching. A lot of the teachers we had either commuted or they lived nearby and most of the live in teachers even dined with us in the communal dining hall. But no students went in the teachers dorm.

We carried on chatting for a bit as Auntie M was busy finishing her paperwork, i even mentioned her altercation with Francesca which I found amusing.

"Isn't there tons of alcohol in the chemistry department store room?" I asked.

"There is, I just wanted to send that little cow away for a while."

I giggled. The nurses office was ages away on the ground floor on the opposite side of the school. Auntie M just wanted her out of the way for a bit, she returned a good twenty to twenty five minutes later with most of her make up removed and a weird shadow on her skin where the pen had stained, oh and a face like a smacked arse.

I chuckled along with my Aunt at her escapades as she was tidying her desk when there was a knock at her door. We both looked over to the to find Mr Evans stood there leaning against the door frame.

'Hi Morrigan, hi Madelyn. Um I hope I'm not interrupting?'

'Afternoon Daniel, no you're not interrupting come on in.' Auntie M said to him. I just waved my hello.

'So how was your first day?' He asked Auntie M. She was grinning a little then slid her pen behind her ear.

'It wasn't so bad. Though some of these entitled little shits need taking down a peg or two.'

'HA HA!' I accidentally blurted out at my Auntie M's remark. I covered my mouth with my hand, a little bit embarrassed I just did that in front of Mr Evans. He didn't really react, he just smirked a little.

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