Sisters of the Moon

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I was on my third cup of tea of the night, I'm quite surprised my bladder was holding up as well as it was. I had managed to speak to pretty much everyone in the coven by now as well as some of our vampire friends. Molly and Macy introduced me to the pair of young looking vampires they were talking to. Their names were Constance and Darius and they were Victorian vampires made in eighteen eighty four at the ages of eighteen and nineteen respectively. They told me they were both dying of consumption and their sire who remained nameless, came and turned them both for some reason. They went on to tell me that their sire had pretty much just left them to it with absolutely no information or training or whatever. They were two baby vampires with absolutely no idea what to do.

'Until Arne found us.' Constance said.

Arne. The Norse vampire who apparently could not let go of my Aunt was the saviour of the brother and sister vamps. I wonder if that was his thing? Saving baby vamps.

It wasn't long however before my Auntie M summoned me over and introduced me properly to Arne. He was kind of intimidating but in a bizarre sultry, sexy way. I wasn't sure if I liked it or not. Sure he was hot, but he was... scary hot. Hot but terrifying.

'Madelyn Taylor, the pleasure is all mine. My name is Arne.'

The accented vampire gracefully took my hand and kissed the back of it. I couldn't decide if that was tacky, or gross or whatever. I dunno I did feel a little fluttery after it. Ick I guess?

'Hi, err nice to meet you.' I said as I retrieved my hand, resisting the urge to wipe the back of my hand on my cloak. I'm sure Auntie M could feel the apprehension emitting from me regarding Arne. I don't know why but I didn't feel it with Duncan who actually seemed quite normal considering his condition. Maybe it was because Arne was practically older than trees and Duncan was about as old as decent antique furniture, I could quite literally feel the oldness of them. I suspect that was the magic that was similar to ours that I could feel. But whilst everything this Samhain was feeling particularly spooky, there was a nice warmness to it all. A sense of camaraderie between the coven and this clan of vampires was apparent and to be honest, as time went on I was beginning to be less bothered by fraternizing with a bunch of blood suckers. Then again I also knew how strong my Aunt was even though the was practically clinging to Arne like shit to a blanket.

I was disturbed from my people watching when my Auntie M shook me back to the real world and started talking.

'Maddie, come stand here for a sec. Arne and his clan want a quick word with you before they head off for the night.'

I did as I was told. All of the vampires lined up in front of me with their backs to the bonfire. Arne was stood in the middle and began talking just as everybody had quietened down.

'Tonight on Samhain, our bonded coven has accepted a new sister in to their family. As such, we accept Madelyn Taylor in to our own family. Our clan will watch over and protect you whenever you need us. In return, all we ask is for your protection, guidance and...'

'Blood.' I thought to myself. My Auntie M who was stood beside me shook her head.

'Just one drop.' She replied telepathically. 'You don't have to do this if you don't want to, but you'd be missing out on the full advantages of being in this coven if you say no.'

'Auntie M this is a bit much and wow, short notice much!' I exclaimed, knowing she could hear the tone of my voice. 'I mean, consent is a thing you know?'

'I know Maddie but decisions like this one are never dwelled on and are best made then and there. No more surprises or weird shit after this I promise.'

'This better be the last Auntie M. Is it worth it?'

Auntie M's smile said everything I wanted to know, but she gave me an answer anyway.

'Definitely. Anyway if a single one of these vampires tries to seriously hurt or attack us violently, they turn to powder.'

I raised a quizzical eyebrow.

'An ancient bonding custom for witches, it's like in the terms and conditions or something.'

'...companionship. Do you accept?' Arne finished. If he was saying anything else then I didn't really hear as I was having a psychic conversation with my Aunt.

He brought out a large goblet, not the one that my Aunt was passing around earlier but something a little simpler in design, I think it was made of brass or bronze judging by the colour of it. Going down the line of vampires, I watched as each one nicked their wrist on an available fang then bled in to the goblet. My eyes rested for maybe just a touch too long when I watched Duncan contribute his share but that soon stopped when Arne added his own blood.

'Do you accept Madelyn?' Arne asked again, holding up the goblet.

I closed my eyes for a moment and took a deep breath in.


I could feel a warmth emitting from everyone gathered around me, a comforting warmth; like being wrapped up in your favourite blanket on a brisk day. Auntie M took my right hand and held my index finger. She pulled her own athame from a leather sheathe attached to her belt and carefully poked a hole in my finger, a drop of blood pooled on the skin. Arne held the goblet out and I pinched the drop of blood from my finger in to the vampire blood mixture. As soon as my blood his the vampire blood, a puff of smoke and a slight "poof" sound emitted from the goblet.

'Welcome to the family Madelyn.' Arne said. He raised the goblet to the sky then drank from it before offering the goblet to the other vampires to drink. When each vampire drank, I could feel a connection forming. It felt like I was holding hands with everyone but without holding hands but I also felt like I was physically connected to the ground beneath my feet, to the trees I was surrounded by and the moon. I swore I could've felt the gravitational pull of the moon as I cast my head upward, gazing on it's bright white glare. As soon as I looked back down to the ground, I had to resist the urge to just roll around in the earth and leaves. Instead I fell to my knees and giggled like a child as I wafted the leaves around me with my hands.

'She's doing better than you Morrigan.' Arne chuckled at my Aunt.

'Ugh don't remind me I was a total mess.'

'I know you were. I was the one that cleaned you up.' Arne grinned.

'Yeah so you did, now that was fun.'

My Aunt and Arne were doing that weird flirting thing again and to be quite frank, I didn't care. I could feel myself going all googly-eyed and slack jawed just in awe of everything around me. The cool of the night was kissing my skin sending pleasant shivers down my spine, the snapping and crackling of the bonfire made me tingle inside, the dampness and squidgyness of the ground strangely soothed my aching knees. It was ecstasy; euphoria of being alive and in mother nature. All because some vampires drank one drop of my blood. I gave in to it and face-planted all giggling and loopy in to a mound of damp dirt and crunchy leaves.

'Scrap that, you did this. Molly and Macy did this. It must run in the family.' Arne said as he pointed down at me. I just laughed at him.

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