Writers Note

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Hi there everyone! It's me, your resident Cyberpunk Aunt. How you all doing?

Well let me tell you I've not been so good since the last chapter I published back there in August. I've had COVID about 3 times this year, I've had a chest infection twice and as I'm sat here right now typing this; I have strep throat. So that's me on antibiotics for the next 10 days. Hopefully it sorts me out because I absolutely HATE BEING POORLY!

But more importantly, I've had terrible writers block. Seriously bad. I'm also supposed to be helping develop a short play for my acting class too but I'm totally stumped. Improv I can knock out of the park but actual writing right now? Nahhh not happening mate.

So what I'm saying is, I'm sorry to those who actually read my stories and have been waiting for the next chapters. I'm an arsehole for not checking in sooner so please accept my apologies. But I am gonna ask in return that if anyone out there is reading my stuff, than can you please leave me some feedback? I know my stories are in quite the unedited state but some feedback would not go amiss at all. In fact I'd greatly appreciate it.

With that said, I shall love you and leave you. Happy New Year to you and stay safe. Don't go getting strep throat if you can help it, it sucks major balls chooms. XD

Major oxo

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