Welcome to My Nightmare

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My Aunt rang the security guard back at the school to confirm some details. The current night watch man Jerry had a log of those who were supposed to be stopping at the school over the weekend and those who were leaving to go home. As it turned out, Francesca was supposed to be going home this weekend to her parents in Oxford but before doing that; she was going in to town to have dinner with her friends. Jerry knew this as he had just received a call from Francesca's mother saying she should have arrived by now. Her mum had tried calling her several times but Francesca never picked up, her mother said it was odd as if she was driving; she could easily answer via the Bluetooth in her car.

Jerry had confirmed that Francesca had indeed leave the school earlier on in her Tesla with a few of her friends. Jerry had spoken to them shortly after Francesca's mother had rang and confirmed what they had been up to. They left for Hitchin to do some shopping around mid afternoon, confirmed on the security cameras. Then when the shops started to close the went for dinner in a nearby Italian restaurant then Francesca's friends got a taxi back to the school whilst she popped in to Waitrose to get a drink and some sweets for the drive home.

Auntie Morrigan then led me away from the car and pulled out her phone to call Arne, telling him that we may be a little late as we were on our way to the police station. Thankfully it was only ten minutes walk from the Waitrose and instead of being on the phone to the police for an indiscriminate amount of time, it would just be easier to walk there. Plus they would have probably called us in to take statements anyway. But the Police already knew about Francesca not being at home as her mum had already reported her being missing. The police took statements from myself and my Aunt which didn't take as long as I'd expected, twenty minutes at the most.

My Aunt had told them that she was a teacher up at Saint Augustine's and Francesca was one of her students. We obviously didn't tell them that we pretty much knew she had been kidnapped by the crazy satanic, magical murderer guy because they absolutely would not buy that and how the hell would we know. But they were treating the case as if she had been snatched by whomever was doing all these gruesome murders. We told them that Francesca barely stayed at the school on weekends and that we randomly just happened to notice her car parked outside Waitrose that had been long shut. My Aunt mentioned the call she made to the school's security guard to clarify a few things and that was us, out of the police station and back in to the cold night air. The police had said they would ring Jerry just to confirm everything and get some CCTV footage or whatever they needed.

My Aunt sighed deeply as we stood outside of the police stations main doors. It was one of those moments when she needed a cigarette so she magically pulled one out of her coat pocket and lit it with no lighter or flame. She took a drag and blew out a long plume of smoke as she rubbed her face with her free hand.

'Let's just have a minute before we go back.' She breathed out heavily.

'Are you okay Auntie M?' I asked her, concerned.

'I'm fine Maddie. I just wish we'd done summat sooner about that arsehole.'

'I wish we could just track the guy down and stop him but, I know it doesn't work like that.' I said to her. She nodded.

'The spell we did with the pendulum is the best we can do in this situation. Knowing this freak is collaborating with a pretty powerful demon just makes everything difficult. We can track when he actively uses magic but that fucking demon can keep him masked and hidden for the most part.'

'I take it Baal's power gives this guy a bit more... magic then?' I asked.

'Precisely. The more this psycho gives to Baal in terms of sacrifices, the more power Baal in turn gives to him. Basically meaning he can teleport and do other more advanced stuff he normally wouldn't be able to do. We need him to cast a longer spell, that'll definitely give us more time to get to him and catch him off guard.'

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