Dream Operator

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When I say I don't know what happened, I really don't know what happened. One moment I was sat comfortably chatting away with my Aunt and the next I felt like I was floating. I felt like I was completely weightless. But the feeling soon left me as slowly drifted to the ground and I started to feel a bit more... solid I guess. It was strange whatever it was, it felt a little like you were going through a portal now that I think about it.

I had instinctively closed my eyes during this experience, not knowing what to expect. I then felt someone gently shaking my shoulder and that was weird too; like I was being touched through a heavy curtain. I opened my eyes to see my Auntie Morrigan smiling at me.

'Hey kiddo, you okay?' She calmly asked me.

'Um, I think so. Where are we?' I blinked hard a few times trying to get my eyes to focus. I slowly looked around the room we were in. I was stood on a hard stone floor that had some strange old looking rugs dotted about on it. The ceilings were at an odd height but were supported with strong looking oak beams. There were dozens of lit candles lining the room on almost every surface and there was also a enormous fireplace situated on the back stone wall. It was lit, roaring away and giving off some fierce heat that made the probably actually freezing cold room feel comfortable and cosy. I did however notice a large metal contraption in the fireplace that held a large, black cauldron over the open flames.

Then I noticed three women lined up in front of a huge, rustic, dark wooden table. They looked excited.

'Maddie, let me introduce you to some of our ancestors.'

I swear, hands down that right now I could have been transported in to Hocus Pocus as I had what appeared to be the Sanderson sisters right in front of me.

'Maddie this is Betty, Bronwyn and Minerva.'

I studied the three women who were advancing toward me. Betty and Bronwyn must have been anywhere between the ages of forty and sixty, I couldn't quite place their ages but they had the standard Taylor family dark hair but Betty was a touch on the plump side. Bronwyn looked like a stocky woman but she was the tallest one out of all of us; the Taylor family shortness missing her completely by the look of it. Minerva was the youngest by far only appearing to be in her twenties, very early twenties at the most with a fair face, mousy brown hair that possibly could've looked blonde in brighter light and a leaner frame. She was also dressed a bit more modern than Betty and Bronwyn. I say modern because Betty and Bronwyn looked like they were from the sixteen-hundreds, Minerva; from what I could recall from my History classes was dressed in late Victorian attire.

'Madelyn Taylor, it is such a pleasure to finally meet you my girl.' Betty said to me as she took my face in her hands as if to get a better look at me. Then I started wondering how she knew my full name, my full government name actually. That's when Bronwyn butted in and literally shoved Betty out of the way.

'We watch over the family, all of our family. Of course we know who you are and what your name is.' She grinned and made a strange "pfffttt" sound with her lips. As she had said her piece, Minerva casually took my hands in hers and squeezed gently.

'Hello Maddie, how are you feeling now? Your visitor have been coming back haven't they?' She spoke softly but with purpose.

'Yes, I err. They've come back again.' I replied.

'And that's why you've brought her to see us!' Betty exclaimed. 'And is Miriam still being utterly difficult?' She asked me directly.

'When isn't she?' I said. Betty pondered for a moment and just nodded at me. I had her there I guess. My mum was notoriously difficult just generally, as a rule.

'Well that is by the by. We for one,' Betty gestured to herself, Bronwyn and Minerva, 'are glad to see you. Come, come sit with us for a while.'

We all ended up sat down on the large bench seats around the big oak table.

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