Writers Note: The My First Coven Spotify Playlist!

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Hi everyone! Hope you're all doing good.

Well I'm finally getting over this mutant monster cold I caught and I've finally recovered enough to write. I'm still not 100% but that will pass soon enough.

But anyway, let me tell you all about the MFC Spotify Playlist I made! Now I do also publish this story elsewhere but Wattpad is the only one that allows videos. But as you may have noticed I name each chapter with a song title. You can check out the playlist here... It's got all-sorts on it.


This is all music I frequently listen to while writing, so while there are the songs I've used as titles and the videos I've put up for the chapters on Wattpad, there's a few other songs on there that I may use in the future for those purposes. Or they just go really well with the story. Either way I hope you enjoy it. :)

Blessed Be folks.

Georgie x

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