I Have a Date

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 I had got back to my dorm around nine on Friday morning. My Aunt had teleported us back as she had to go the staff training day thing she had to attend. But I had my date with Duncan today and he was picking me up around half past ten, so I had some time to do some washing and get myself ready. I had brought back some clothes I kept at Arne's for a washing, plus I had some stuff in my dorm room that needed chucking in. So I made my way up to my room after bidding my Aunt farewell. Katie and Victoria was in and awake, watching morning television.

'Hey guys what's up?' I said as I walked in to the room.

'Hey Maddie, what's up?' I got a greeting off Katie and a wave off Victoria.

'Nothing much. I got my date with Duncan soon. What are you two up to today?'

'We're off in to town in about ten minutes, maybe do a bit of shopping but Vic has a dentist appointment.' Katie said.

'Only a check up thank God.' Victoria added. 'But never mind that, where you going on your date with Duncan today?'

'I don't know, he won't tell me it's a surprise.'

'I wish I had a bloke who took me out on surprise dates.' Katie huffed.

'Alas, no boy ever gives us the time of day.' Added Victoria. 'Besides, most of the guys at this school aren't decent dating material.'

'Except maybe Liam.' Said Katie.

'Yeah except maybe Liam.' Victoria parroted. 'He seems super serious though he's only ever had like one girlfriend the whole time he's been at this school.'

Oh dear, if only Katie and Victoria knew what Liam was like. He was quite private but to top it all off, he was super complicated. And now he was a warlock AND he also randomly kissed me not long ago either. But I wasn't going to tell Katie and Victoria those last two points any time soon, or ever maybe. Not when I was inadvertently caught up in a weird sort of threesome situation, of which I seemed to be the only one aware of it. Nope, not getting in to that right now. Not today when I have a date with Duncan soon.

I was however on my own again, Katie and Victoria gave me hugs before they left for their trip in to town. I had stuff to do before Duncan came to pick me up, mainly my washing which had started building up. So I threw the clothes I had brought back from Arne's in to my laundry basket with the other stuff and made my way down to the laundry room. I had brought Domino back with me as he liked joining me in the laundry room for a little snooze as I did some online shopping whilst I waited for my washing. I put everything on a quick wash as I wanted to get it all back to my dorm and hung up to dry as soon as possible. Domino had made himself comfortable in my hoodie like he always did. He was getting a bit big now since I had been taking care of him and he was nearly too big to actually fit in my hood. He seemed pretty content though, I could hear him purring away as he slept.

I hurtled back to my dorm with my now clean laundry and hung it up in record time. I decided it would be a good idea to get ready for my date by changing in to some different clothes and putting a bit of make up on as I didn't really put any on before I left this morning. I kept it simple; my favourite warm chunky knit green jumper, some thermal leggings as it was quite cold right now and taking a bit of a style hint from my Aunt, I wore some chunky off-white socks paired with a pair of black Dr. Martens boots my Aunt got for me years ago that had been buried at the back of my wardrobe. I tied my hair back in to a high pony tail and put on the bare minimum of make up I could get away with that made me pass as some kind of human. A bit of shaded brown eye shadow, some black mascara that I carefully applied so as not to get it all over my eyelids, a light tinted moisturiser, a hint of blush and finally a rosy pink lip balm. I wasn't going the whole hog with my make up as looking at my watch, I didn't have the time and I'd be late if I started faffing about now. In fact I was in that much of a rush, I dove out of my door then immediately dove back in again as I'd forgot to grab my leather jacket and handbag.

I threw the coat on as I shot downstairs and out in to the cold air, the gravel surrounding all the school buildings making a loud crunching noise as I hurried my way to the main yard where Duncan was probably waiting for me. And waiting for me he was, leant up against the passenger door of his black Audi facing none other than Francesca and her minions who were gathered behind her.

'Oh fucking hell.' I muttered myself as I slowed my pace and walked over. Duncan obviously heard what I had just said with his super hearing as I could see a smirk forming on his face as he glanced to his side at me. Francesca was rabbiting on about something and her minions seemed to be backing her up and adding in their two cents or whatever. Either way Francesca and her crew were ignoring me as I toddled over. I over heard some of the conversation, Francesca had basically just invited Duncan to her New Years party at her parents house in Oxford because he "seemed like, totally cool and stuff." Louise, never one to back down from kissing Francesca's arse followed up with "you should totally come because Francesca's parties are like, legendary."

'Well I'll have to pass on that I'm afraid.' I heard Duncan reply. 'I'll be spending New Year with Madelyn and our families.'

I wanted to start laughing as Francesca's face had literally just cracked. She glared at me now as I came to stand beside Duncan.

'Hey Duncan. I've not kept you waiting have I?'

'Hey Maddie. No I've not been waiting long, we can go now if you'd like?'

Duncan then did something I wasn't expecting. He wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed the top of of my head which made me blush a little but made Francesca's face even more sour than before. Her obvious flirting before had done absolutely nothing and Francesca was not the kind of girl who was used to failing at not getting what she wanted. Duncan had seen right through it and he wasn't biting.

I nodded at Duncan. He turned and opened the passenger door of his Audi for me, I slid in; buckled up and made myself comfortable as Duncan turned back round to Francesca and her friends saying "Nice chatting to you" before getting in the drivers side of the car. He started the engine and sped off down the driveway, leaving Francesca and company in the rear view mirror, gobs wide open and in disbelief.

'What even... was she?' Duncan asked me as we made our way down the schools drive.

'That, was Francesca and her cronies too. She's like the Queen Bee of the school. What was she doing anyway?'

'Honestly I don't know. I got here just a few minutes before you showed up and she came running over as soon as I got out of the car.'

'Francesca has quite particular tastes. Your nice Audi will have piqued her interest and seeing you as good looking as you are ended up with her trying to flirt with you.' I stated.

'So you think I'm good looking?' Duncan grinned as he asked, glancing over to me.

I squeezed my lips together trying to hide a bashful smile.

'I'll take that as a yes then.' Duncan carried on grinning. He reached over to the cars stereo and turned some music on, his Spotify playlist on his phone beamed through via Bluetooth. The opening beats of "Don't You Forget About Me" by Simple Minds erupted through the cars speakers leading in to the famous "hey, hey, hey, hey" part which I unashamedly belted out off key. Duncan instantly started laughing.

'Oh my God you're just like your Aunt!' He cackled at me.

'And you don't do that? Me and Auntie M always do that to this song, it's like the law or something.'

At least this was going to be a fun trip to wherever it was we were going.

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