Step In To Christmas

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Now I knew Arne's mansion had a reasonably large ballroom in it, which was barely used most of the time; but the Viking vampire did hold a few parties throughout the year. The main one was his annual Christmas Party; where all of his clan were present, the witches from the coven I belonged to along with many other witches from other covens in the wider area and there would even be some vampires from further afield too. The ballroom was quite full and well over one hundred beings present, were all wearing Christmas jumpers. That was the dress code, if you weren't wearing a Christmas jumper; you weren't getting in.

Ever the host with the most, Arne flitted from guest to guest in absolute ecstasy; making sure everyone was comfortable and having fun with some kind of drink in hand or canapé or whatever.

'I'm sure he gets worse every year.' Auntie Morrigan said to me as she shook her head and poured whatever concoction was in her glass down her throat. She was wearing an interesting Christmas jumper that could've been quite tacky if it wanted, but it looked quite stylish. It was black with a pattern of old style Christmas lights all the way around it, including the sleeves. The lights themselves in all their different colours were made up of shiny sequins. This is what gave the jumper it's slight tackiness.

Arne however may as well have been an actual Christmas tree. His jumper was also black but on the front was a huge decorated Christmas tree with a star on top. The star was lined with flashing LED lights woven in to the jumper and there were even more flashing LED lights, surrounding the glittery pom-pom baubles that adorned the damn thing. If anything, Arne's jumper was a glorious mess; he was walking around looking like Blackpool Illuminations and he was loving every second of not giving a single fuck.

But the party hadn't been going long so Christ knows how long this was going on for tonight. My Aunt and I along with some of the other vampires from Arne's clan had spent a little while beforehand, helping to get everything ready. We made hors d'oeuvre's and little sweet pastry deserts, helped decorate the ballroom by basically chucking tinsel and glitter over everything; making everything look like Christmas had thrown up all over the place. I joke on that part, Arne had dragged in a massive real Christmas tree from somewhere out on his land and after we chased all the random birds and bugs out of the thing, we assisted in decorating it with tasteful traditional baubles and other trimmings; we even spent some time setting up tables for food and drinks so the guests could help themselves. There was something for everyone. Duncan had even made a few Yule Log cakes too, as we were in Yule after all. It was the twenty first of December and this is when as my Aunt put it, we would spend the next twelve days, "arseholed, full of magic and festively plump."

While it was still early on in the party, I hadn't seen Duncan or my cousins Molly or Macy yet. I had seen most of my Coven show up which was nice, we chatted for a bit and asked each other what we would be doing over the festive period. Everybody gave the same answer; eat lots, make a bunch of Yule wreathes and get absolutely pissed as a fart, even during that weird no-mans-land of time between Christmas and New Year. Some had to work, but Mai had told me several times; "Witches work hard and play even harder.' I could believe her after watching my Coven sisters pouring drinks down their throats and going for refills instantly after.


I was having a great time catching up with everyone though. I had a long chat with Constance and Darius before and even Molly's vampire lover, Luca. Even Deidre from my Coven had turned up with a new member named Shelly, who had just joined us this last week after moving in to the area. The chestnut brown haired, Geordie witch had been in a Coven in the North East and had moved down south for a better career opportunity after what she called "a fucking nightmare of a divorce." She was nice enough and super friendly too and we all got on well with her, even though she's only been with us a short while. She was in her early to mid thirties and was totally up for a party whenever and wherever, now she had her life back after getting rid of "that twat I was married too for five years."

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