Supermarket Blues

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There's something that I can safely say was the most pointless waste of two hours of my life; it was the past two hours that the local, clueless Police Force came to the school to discuss the importance of not talking to strangers and what to do should you ever need to call the Police for whatever reason. It was a two hour long shit show of being condescended to like the dumb kids we all apparently, how serious it was about Francesca going missing and how we all had to do our bit as upstanding members of society. We were all packed in to the schools assembly hall, boarding and day students and pretty much all of the faculty who were in today. My Auntie M was sat next to Mr Evans and they both looked incredibly bored. In fact, my Aunt was speaking to me telepathically about how bored she was.

'Oh this is a load of old bollocks I'm so BORED!' She whinged.

'You're preaching to the choir.' I replied. 'I hope it doesn't go on for much longer, we have actual important stuff to do. Like catch the guy who's caused all this.'

'Damn right. As soon as we get out of here, go get changed and meet me outside the teachers dorm. We'll go to Waitrose and see if we find something.'

I had glanced around the hall looking at the other students, most of them weren't even paying attention and were just messing around on their phones.

The Police had sent out a few of their beat officers and this Detective Cooper who was maybe in his forties and around five foot eight, with massive bags under his eyes and a bit of a beer gut; all crammed in to a dark grey suit that had probably seen better days. His appearance didn't inspire much confidence but I could appreciate the fact that the detectives and officers working on these types of kidnap and murder cases were doing their best, but their best just wasn't good enough. Not against the forces of the supernatural it wasn't at least. Even though it was our responsibility to deal with the supernatural stuff, the Police always had to be involved to deal with the human side of things and going by what my Aunt had told me this morning before this stupid talk; we had to go clean up after in case any humans had come face to face with our business. And that meant wiping minds or causing a bit of weird amnesia or hypnosis that would have them second guessing and doubting everything they saw. No, correction... think they saw.

I went and joined my Aunt briefly before I headed off to the dorm to get changed for our little excursion. She was talking to the knackered looking Detective Cooper as all of the students were making a mad dash to get out of the place, as we had no classes for the rest of the day. She was working a little magic on him, some kind of coercion spell where he would subtly tell her what she wanted to know. I didn't know there were varying levels of this kind of spell, it was quite impressive actually; sort of like a social engineering kind of deal. She probably would have already got his debit card pin number and bank account details by now if she was that way inclined.

'So you've not questioned everyone in Waitrose at all? Just got their CCTV footage?' I heard Auntie M asking the Detective as I approached.

'No Ms Taylor. The Chief wanted us to concentrate on surveillance and forensics.' The hapless Detective answered. His eyes looked a little more sleepy as I focused on him but that was probably my Aunts doing.

'Okay, thank you for your time Detective Cooper.' Auntie M said as she nodded her head as she glided over to me and beckoned me to walk with her.

'He's telling the truth, he did say their Chief Inspector had increased the amount of beat coppers in the area and has just put a civilian surveillance request out so people can send in any footage of suspicious goings on they caught on the doorbell cameras or home CCTV systems.'

'That won't turn up much then. I mean I can understand them not interviewing anyone in the store because we know Francesca didn't even make it through the door going by their CCTV footage.' I added. 'She didn't get snatched on her way in, but just as she got out of her car. Well, if she even managed to get out of her car.'

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