Arne & Duncan

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 Arne & Duncan

'Geeze Auntie M, I don't think I'll ever get used to teleporting.'

Morrigan landed in the main hall of Arne's mansion after teleporting with Madelyn from St. Augustine's. Madelyn always had wobbly legs after teleporting and stumbled slightly, her Aunt keeping her upright by holding on to her hand. She chuckled as her niece quickly shook her head and stamped her feet a few times making sure she was on terra firma, the sound of her boots made a dull clacking sound on the shiny, lustrous hardwood floor. The mansion was always warm and inviting, with a sweet fragrance that drifted through each and every room and the sound of music seemingly coming from nowhere in particular, but audible everywhere.

'You will, it just takes time. You'll know when you start using your own portals more often, it just takes practice.'

Arne had heard his witchy lover practically from the other side of the building and came in to the main hall closely followed by Duncan. The mansion was quiet today as many of their clan had either gone out for some reason, probably to feed or were out travelling to visit their other vampire family and friends.

'Greetings.' Arne purred as he stalked his way over to Morrigan. Her face lit up as soon as she saw him and giggled in to his shoulder as he picked her up and spun her around in a close embrace. Her feet were nearly a full foot off the ground but Arne was not putting her down any time soon. Arne and Morrigan stared at each other in bemusement as they kissed and rubbed their noses together. Duncan; a little more subdued in his public displays of affection, gently held Madelyn's hand to his lips and laid a soft kiss on the back.

Madelyn blushed at him. She hadn't known Duncan for that long, but she could tell he was a gentleman by his demeanour. Arne and Morrigan had known each other for a long time and were bonded to each other and they did not care in the slightest who were witness to whatever it was they were doing. If there was any opportunity to be close to each other then they took it and revelled in each others company. Arne could be intimidating as hell when he wanted to be but when Morrigan was around, he was like putty in her hands and practically worshipped the ground she walked on. He spoiled her rotten and gave in to her every whim. Morrigan had her own unique brand of scary that could even be more frightening than Arne's at times, but when she was with him; she mellowed out and genuinely looked happy and at peace.

Madelyn watched as Arne reluctantly, but gently put Morrigan back on her feet.

'You want to use your lab?'

Morrigan nodded.

''Could you keep an eye on us for a few hours please? We're going in for a bit.'

Arne graciously bowed and took Morrigans hand and swiftly led her through the house to where her lab was, Duncan and Madelyn in tow. Morrigans laboratory was an expensive, modern but strangely cosy affair which Arne had spared no expense at getting the best of everything for. It had been built several years ago at the rear of the mansion, looking out across the expansive back garden. The lab consisted of the main room with a large kitchen style island in the middle, counter tops surrounding it on the outside walls and traditional apothecary cabinets dotted about in between wall mounted cupboards. It was essentially, a glorified kitchen as Morrigan didn't want a proper laboratory. They were "too clinical for home" she mused and said that she "had enough clinical stuff" to deal with at work anyway. The pièce de résistance of the lab though was the orangery, a large room made of intricate brickwork and glass where Morrigan grew hall the plants and herbs she used for her spells. It was always warm in there even in colder weather, the sun shining in from as soon as it came up to when it set.

Arne and Duncan led the two women to the lab and retreated for a short while, leaving Morrigan to literally work her magic.

'She's doing that thing again isn't she?' Duncan asked his adoptive elder vampiric brother.

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