6. | chica'

805 26 52

Marcus Hudson

Did I ever mention how much I hate school? No? Well, I hate it with a fucking burning passion. What's the point of school? To get an education. But is that education even worth it when you don't learn? I hate school and I always will. There's nothing that will ever change that.

The classes seem to go by so slow and all I'm doing is trying not to fall asleep. From Math to English and then I descend into boredom. I have exactly twenty-five minutes left till I have to go to the gym then I have lunch. I have three classes before lunch and two classes after like most juniors and seniors. If only this class went faster.

The teacher seems nice but she's yelled at most of the boys my age telling them to stop talking. Mrs. Ludwin is her name and currently, I hate how much she's talking about this stupid syllabus. Lunch is at twelve-o-five, which seems late but the school days are longer here so really it's early.

I look around the classroom and not to my surprise I find paper chains and motivation quotes all over the room. I find a sign over the seat where the teacher-Mrs.Ludwin-sits. 'No phones and no snacks' it reads. Yet almost every single human being in this room is on their phone. I have to give my respect to one girl who sits in front of the room.

She sits a seat ahead of me and she is playing the death game. As in her phone is her life and Ludwin is the guardian to 'Hell'. She looks like the run-of-the-mill everyday teenage girl, not to be rude or anything but you know the whole blonde hair brown eyes type girl. She seems sweet though.

"Monica!" Mrs.Ludwin yells looking towards the girl-Monica-and then down at her phone.

"Fine, fine, phones going away," She says as she turns around to unzip her backpack and put it away.

She looks up at me after she's done and gives me a look of confusion.

"What?" She whispers.

"Nothing," I whisper back. "But hide your phone better next time," I smile and she rolls her eyes.

"No shit," She says, turning back to face the front.

I look at the clock again. Five more minutes, that's all. I think my thoughts finally made the time go by faster. I have gym next hour; which is downstairs and to your left, across from the cafeteria. A minute before the bell rings kids start packing up and I get out of my chair and start packing up my things. I quickly pull out my school schedule and skim through it before my eyes land on the section for third hour.

'Third hour: James Jagger | P.E Instructor/Lacrosse Coach'

So Mr. Jagger is my gym teacher, and he's also the lacrosse coach. How fun. At my old school basketball and football were the only two sports that they offered for boys, whilst here they offer lacrosse, soccer, basketball, and football. But lacrosse is their main sport. I read it in the brochure. The guys try out at the beginning of August and have their first game next week. I'm way too late to try out but hopefully, I can get an inside scoop on how things run here for when we eventually kill the principals.

The bell rings and everyone starts rushing out of the classroom pushing their friends and dabbing them up in the hallway. I just need to make it to the gymnasium. Did I ever mention I hate school hallways? I hate school in general but the passing times before classes are what I hate the most. I have always thought school was just like putting almost 1,000 kids together in one building and forcing them to deal with each other. I cut through a few groups of guys and girls talking to each other. I do happen to notice when I walk past the girls a few of them giggle. To my left, some freshman kids are trying to pants one another and to my right, there's a group of girls undoubtedly filming them. I roll my eyes after I pass them, god I hate freshmen. 

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