15. | partners.

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Livvy Grant

It has to be Jacob. It has to be, who else would it be?

Forth hour just ended and I bid my goodbyes to Mon, before I head down the hall to French, but along my way I have to run into Jacob.

"Hey," He smiles at me.

"Hi," I fidget with my rings, I have to stop doing that.

"You okay?" He asks with an concerned face.

"Yeah," I reply. "We should go,"

"Yeah," He scratches the back of his neck. '

We walk down the hall and take a left into the next hallway. I can tell he's looking at me, wondering if I'm okay.

The truth is I'm not, I liked Jacob (as a friend) knowing that he might be the inside person for the Boss really changes my attitude towards him. He was being so sweet, he asked me questions about anything and everything just trying to get to know me. He listened, paid attention and even started the conversation back up again before a silence had brushed upon us.

It was sweet and nice and I like hanging out with him, but then he got mad or annoyed. The way he grabbed handsome's shoulder pained me, almost as if I was his and if he can't have me no one could.

See that trope is amazing in books like mafia stories, but like in most of those tropes the guy still lets the girl be friends with guys if he knows they're strictly friends. Which is a thing me and Marcus aren't even close to, frenemies sure, people who despise each other, for sure, but not friends. Not even remotely close to lovers.

I watched it all happen from him grabbing his shoulder to telling him 'Don't pull anything'. I'm not his that's the problem, I'm no ones and quite frankly I would think I'm not going to be anyone's for a while.      

I mean if we're being honest here, who would want me?

A girl with an eating disorder, one who hates her body most of the time, gets dizzy twenty-four/seven. A killer, a person who lies and never tells the cold truth about herself. Who would want a girl like that?

Plus there's the whole explanation of the killing and how I'm murdering people for money and to make a living and yadda yadda yadda.

"Livvy?" Jacobs voice brings me back to reality.


"You sure you're okay?" He asks. "I don't mean to be nosy, but you seem zoned out and spaced,"

"I'm okay Jacob" I look at him in his eyes and then looks away quickly.

Did I ever mention that I love eyes? Like how people could have the same eye color but they're all a different shade?

I love brown and green eyes the most. There some of the most beautiful shades of eye colors.

But there is just something about Jacob's blue
ones, they look so familiar yet so different.

They're these light blue eyes almost turquoise, but it also seems like there's a shade of dark blue mixed in.

Lijah's eyes used to be this shade of blue that's was the shade of the Atlantic, they were so pretty to me.

But once I found out what he had done, those beautiful, mystical Atlantic blue eyes were just cold and blue.

No emotion and no regret.

Remember all the lies he told? Yeah, he didn't fucking regret them, and he still kept telling them.

There's rage and anger boiling in my blood, and I can't fucking do anything about it.

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