Chapter 127: She Wants Me

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"We're gonna be at the venue soon, so everyone's probably gonna start waking up." Danny said, getting up from the table. I saw Sam smirk, peeking back up at him. We knew what that meant.
"How long are you two planning on trying to keep this a secret?" He said softly, turning to face us, leaning up against the counter. Sam got up, playfully shoving Danny.
"I don't know what you're talking about." He laughed, shooting him a look and making his way back to his bunk. 

Danny waited until Sammy was out of sight before flashing me an 'I told you so' look. My stomach dropped. But.. I'm sure he was just kidding.


And then I finally heard the door to the back room open. I didn't have to turn around to know what was about to happen. My heart started beating faster until Jake made his way over to the table, sitting down across from me. He stared back at me with sleepy, blood-shot eyes.

My heart dropped. He had been crying.

"Can we talk?" He said softly.
"Jake, I.."
"Jess, please."

I looked over his shoulder to see Sam at his bunk, pretending to look busy. But I knew he was listening.
"Jake, I don't think-" He then reached over the table, grabbing my hand and pulled me to the back room. My body felt cold as we passed Sam. He flashed me a wide-eyed look, as if asking if I was okay. I subtly nodded, following Jake as he shut the door behind us, locking the door.

I sat down on the edge of the bed, looking up at him, feeling my cheeks burn. He leaned back against the door, staring back down at me. My heart started beating faster.

I hated when he looked at me like that.
He could get away with anything.

"Jess, are.. are we really over?" He said softly, looking down at his feet. I was thankful he broke his stare.
"Jake, I just think-"
"Cause I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. You're right, I shouldn't have laughed at you. The last thing I'd ever want to do is hurt you. And you're right, I should be your person, I always want to be your person, you should never have to think twice about coming to me, and you did, and.. I should've listened, and I'm sorry. We could have just talked about everything. And I.. I've wanted to propose to you.. so many times, but.. I ruin it, I know that, and I'm sorry, I just-"
"Jake, I-"

"Just let me finish." He sighed. He came over, sitting down next to me on the bed. My heart jumped as he reached over, grabbing my hands. "Jess.. I love you. I love you so much, and I'm sorry that we fight so much and I promise I'll be better, okay? I.. I want you. I want us. I want our place and our family and-"
"Our family?" I said, feeling my heart jump. He bit down on his lip, staring back at me as his cheeks burned red.

"Jess, I haven't been able to stop thinking about.. what could've happened that day. And I know I had said that I didn't want that but.. I.. I can't think of anything else that I want more now." He moved his hand to my leg, giving me subtle smile. 
"The idea of.. a mini me, or a mini you or.. both." He laughed. "Just running around our place. I've never been happier than when.. that felt like a possibility. And you gave that to me. You made me excited about something I never thought I could ever want. And I want it so badly.. with you."

"Jake.." I sighed, staring back into his eyes. This wasn't at all what I was expecting. We weren't even engaged and he was already excited about staring a family. He was already thinking how many steps ahead. Maybe he had really changed.. 

I quickly shook the thought.

This is what happened every time. He always told me what I wanted to hear, and we were great for however long and then.. I would just feel like shit again when he stopped caring about how he treated me. I couldn't keep reliving this. I couldn't keep falling for it.

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