Chapter 176: Valentine's Day - Part 3

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"I have no doubt that you're gonna pass your test on the first try, which is kind of annoying.. because it took me two times." Josh laughed, placing his hand behind my headrest, smirking back at me. I shook my head.
"I don't know, I.. I get nervous with things like that." I sighed, putting the van in park.
"Well, if it'll help, I can take you the day of if you want." I nodded, biting down on my lip.
"I'd like that."

When we got back onto the bus, I looked around, hanging on to what tiny piece of hope I had left that maybe, somehow throughout the day, Jake had remembered. I slid open the door, peeking into the back room.


I went in, reaching under the bed and pulled out everything I had got him and placed it on his side; the stuffed lion propped up on top of his pillow, his card on the end table, and the song for him I had finally finished writing, though something told me I wouldn't be up to singing anything for him tonight.

I quickly made my way out before Josh could notice. I didn't want him to see how disappointed I really was. Today with him was more than enough, but it was embarrassing how much I still clung to this idea that Jake would suddenly appear with one of his usual grand gestures, despite him giving me every reason to know that he wouldn't be.

But I knew I would hold out for him forever.
And sometimes it did more harm than good.

"Hey.." Josh called out. "I gotta start heading in. Do you.. wanna come with me or-"
"Yeah, I'll come with you." I said, forcing a smile. He lead us into the venue, bringing me backstage.
"Hey, um.. I'm gonna go wait in the wings." I said.
"O-okay.. yeah, sure. I'll.. I'll see you after the show then." He nodded.

I quickly made my way towards Jake's side of the stage when I ran into Sam, who reached over, gently grabbing my arm to stop me.
"Hey.." He said softly, giving me a gentle smile. "Um.. Happy Valentine's Day." My cheeks burned.
"Oh.. yeah, thanks.. Happy Valentine's Day." He hesitated for a moment, before pulling out one of the white roses from their bouquet, handing it to me.
"Here, for you." He giggled. I couldn't help but smile, taking it from him.
"T-thank you." I managed. He shrugged, holding his stare on me for a moment before making his way towards his side of the stage. I turned, watching him until he disappeared around the corner.

I could feel my face start to get hot again, my heart beating faster. I tried my best to calm myself down, knowing what was about to happen again. Even Sam had remembered, but here I was, just wanting something from Jake, anything. Even still.

By the time I finally heard Jake make his way into the wings, the lights had already gone down, the screams in the crowd getting louder and louder. I then felt his hand on the small of my back as he leaned in, quickly kissing my cheek.
"Hey!" He said cheerfully. "There you are, I missed you today."
"Coulda fooled me." I mumbled. He went over, grabbing his guitar, lifting it over his head. When he finally turned to face me, his face dropped.
"W-what's wrong?" He asked. I bit down on my lip, feeling my cheeks burn. I looked away, trying my best to keep from crying again.
"Jess.." He said, coming over to me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." I sighed. "Fine."
"You don't sound fine."
"We.. we can talk about it later." He held his stare on me, his eyes getting wide.
"W-what's wrong? Did.. did I do something?"
"No." I snapped. "You didn't do anything. That's the problem."
"Jess, w-what do you mean?" He asked, reaching out for me. I peeked up at him, feeling my eyes water again. I hated feeling like this. I knew he wasn't doing this on purpose, but that didn't mean I still couldn't be upset. This was our first Valentine's Day. It was supposed to be special.

I leaned up, gently kissing him on the cheek.
"Have a good show. We'll.. we'll talk after, okay? I love you." He nodded, hesitating before pulling me back into a tender kiss, gently caressing my neck, holding me in close. My heart started pounding. As upset as I was, I didn't want it to end. I gently grabbed onto his shirt, kissing him back.
"I love you." He said before running out on stage.

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