Chapter 198: Selfless

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Josh's P.O.V

We all looked up as the back door opened, Jess' dad storming out.
"I will always be there for her, but I was really hoping that she would've been smarter than this.. and picked Sam." He snapped. My stomach dropped as I peeked over at Sam. The last thing he needed was that kind of false hope, especially after what happened the other night.

It didn't matter what anyone said. Nothing was going to come between Jess and Jake ever again, which is the worst thing that someone as stubborn as Sam could ever hear.

I saw Jake through the doorway, seated on the edge of the bed. All he wanted was to make a good impression, only to be left with his fiancé's dad telling him she should've picked his brother. I hated seeing him go through this. It wasn't fair. Despite how I felt, I knew he was hurting.

I could feel it.

"Dad!" Jess yelled, hopping up from the couch. I could tell by the look on Sam's face he was going to try and make this about him, but now wasn't the time.
"Is this what you wanted to talk to me about? You letting him knock you up? You really thought I was going to be happy about that?"

My heart dropped.
I knew it.

She quickly made her way towards the back room as her dad reached out for her.
"No!" She yelled, pulling away from him. "You.. you have no idea what you're talking about. He-" She stopped, tears coming to her eyes. I hated seeing her like this. This wasn't fair to her. She pushed her way past him, slamming the door behind her.

Her dad made his way over, plopping down on the couch next to Sam.
"You know, after our talk, I was really hoping that she would come to her senses." He sighed, turning towards him. "You took care of her, and she seemed like she was better.. with you." Sam nodded. I could feel my cheeks burn. If only he had known what Sam had done. But it wasn't my place.
"I know you care about her, but this is what she does. She gets herself stuck in these positions with these guys that aren't good for her, that hurt her, and-"

"Jake would never hurt her." I chimed in, unable to listen to this anymore. They both turned to face me, Sam's face getting angrier.
"And you know it, Sam. She's made it clear to you that she loves him. They're having a kid together." I could see the color draining from his face. Deep down I wondered what really went on between the two of them that the rest of us had no idea about, for him to be this attached.

But I would never ask.

I already hated knowing as much as I did about her and Jake. The last thing I needed was knowing how much she actually loved Sam too, and knowing that I came second to both of them.

"You say that like you still don't hang on every word she says." He snapped, glaring over at me. I felt my cheeks burn as Jess' dad shot me a questioning look.
"I do not." I muttered, feeling my heart beating faster. He rolled his eyes.
"Oh, please. You think we've all forgotten how you were with her? Jake is the one who found her for the tour, you knew he had a crush on her, and you still went after her that first night. And the music video-"
"Sam, stop!" I snapped. The last thing Jake needed to overhear was anything about that music video.

I knew how badly it hurt him, despite just how much it still meant to me.

"Music video?" Her dad asked, turning back to me. I bit down on my lip, feeling my face get hot.
"She's in one of your music videos? Why didn't I know about this?"
"Well, we didn't really promote it." I said softly. Sam scoffed, rolling his eyes again.
"Yeah, cause we didn't need to. The two of them got us more than enough publicity on their own."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Oh, I'll show you." Sam said, pulling out his phone. My stomach dropped.
"You're not gonna make me out to be the bad guy when you're just as guilty."
"Yeah but at least I know when to back off. They're engaged!"
"Josh, I know for a fact that you would drop everything to be with her if ever given the chance, so don't even try to lie. You sure wasted no time running over there the night they broke up."

You're the One - Part 1 || Greta Van FleetTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon