Chapter 21: Seeing Ghosts

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⚠︎ Trigger Warning: Following Has Mentions of Death  ⚠︎

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⚠︎ Trigger Warning: Following Has Mentions of Death ⚠︎


She places Garou wherever a hero would not discover him after knocking him unconscious. She looked around as she continued down the alleyway. She stops hearing loud booming voices with shouts and screams. It was a jumbled mess. She moves closer to the sound and immediately regrets it. When she notices some of her classmates, she turns around quickly and immediately truing to walk away; so that her classmates or the villain would notice her or even try to come closer towards her.  

She should have paid attention to where she was going and also remembered the phone notification from her classmate sending his location. Her lips curve downward in an unflattering grimace. She was desperate to escape and let them deal with it. She did not want to help those asses. As it happened, god and luck were not on her side tonight.

"Y-Y/N!" Midoriya shouts directed towards her, causing Stain to turn around and look in her way, as well as Todoroki. 'That son of a bitch!' she thought, spinning around to find stain already swinging at her.

"Today isn't my lucky day. False heroes, and now... you.... the monster masquerading as a hero." He mocks her by swinging his sword at her. She swerves and slams her body against the ground. The ground trembles. Stain and the others make a blunder.

'Earthquake!?!' Midoriya pondered, trying not to tumble.

Stain climbs back up, slashing through the air in an attempt to reach Y/N, "Monster, are you coming to rescue your fake heroes?" He enquired with a High and Mighty viewpoint, She scoffs, slightly uncomfortable at the thought of assisting them.

She clenches her fist. 

"Eat shit," she mumbles out mainly to herself, hating the green-haired student for shouting at her, causing Stain to notice her as well in the start. 

Stain smirks lick his lips and rushes for her one more. His sword came dangerously close towards her neck. Her eyes tense up, becoming a little more serious. 

She pushes her body out of the way, getting further away. A better distance from the others. The shape she looked was a mess, since her fight with Garou. He really messed her hero suit up and got his blood on her, including her face which looks like she was injured. That's why Stain was most likely attacking her since she looks more vulnerable at this moment of time but those were her speculations at this situation.

"It doesn't really matter because they'll be dead soon-" Stains finishes what he was saying while wielding his blade again, this time to slash Midoriya, who howls in distress, his body already bruised and battered. 

Iida had passed out, while Todoroki was in practically no condition to fight; he was holding his side of his lower stomach, which was evidently bleeding.

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