||Chapter 9||

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-Author's POV-

It's late. Madison lies awake, her hand unknowingly rubs the rumbling of her stomach. She winces and readjusts her position, hoping it would bring some sort of comfort. It's no use, she's hungry and the growing pain was intolerable.

Glancing at the alarm clock, she reads 12:54am; she silently hoped no one was awake at this time. Without another thought, she climbs out of bed and grasps her phone on the way out. Maybe a phone call to her parents and a sandwich would ease her mood back up.

The house is quiet, the odd light on as she makes her way down the grand staircase. It's so quiet she can practically hear the sound of her heartbeat, she never did like the dark, it always made her feel uneasy and timid. But, she doesn't dare to turn on any lights, instead she uses the flashlight app on her phone for source of light. Rummaging through the fridge with her lower lip tightly clasped between her teeth, making as minimal noise as possible.

Turkey sandwich? They f!cking get burgers and steak.. And I get a f!cking turkey sandwich!? She mentally shouts to herself. She just about manages to make a sandwich, the items carelessly left behind. Her body slithers out of the glassed doors, and the nightly summer breeze hits her instantly. Relaxing every part of her.

"Turkey sandwich" She scoffs with her mouthful. Carefully, she settles down to the ground and puts her feet into the pool. Swirling them in the water, creating disordered ripples.

She sighs and pulls out her phone, her call log empty from any missed calls or messages. But, nonetheless, she gives her parents a call. The phone rings, and rings, and rings, as she goes to end the call; her mother's voice sounds through.

"Hello?" Comes the cheery tone.

"Are you drunk?" Madison rolls her eyes, and takes another bite off her messy sandwich.

"Hello sweetie! Your dad and I are out with a couple friends-"

"You didn't even answer any of my texts, you could have told me you were busy-"

"Slipped my mind, honey! Honey! Madison is on the line!" Clara giggles and continues to chat on the other end, ignoring her daughters phone call.

"Hello?!" Madison grows annoyed

"And he took the contract and ripped it right up, tearing it to pieces without a care in the world" The sound of laughter deafens her. She ends the phone call with tears prickling her green orbs. Soon enough, she begins to cry in the night. Her sandwich dropped to her side, and knees rising out of the water, giving her some sort of comfort. She wraps her arms tightly around her knees and cries loudly.


Kimberley suddenly wakes up, Cheryl's limbs thrown across the blonde's body, making it difficult to move or breathe.

"Move" She moans, pushing Cheryl off her.

"Mm Kimba" The Geordie murmurs in her sleep, and turns away from her wife. Kimberley lies awake, the muffling sounds catch her attention. The terrace doors kept open that night, allowing the winds to ease through their grand bedroom. She sits up and stretches her sore limbs.

The sound grows louder, and she's on her feet darting towards the opened doors instantaneously. She pears out cautiously, almost afraid someone or something would jump out at her, once she knows it's safe, she bravely walks across the large balcony and looks out to the garden.

There sits Madison in floods of tears. Kimberley frowns and watches for a few minutes before giving in, and heading down to the garden.

Madison's tears seem never-ending, no matter how many times she's tried to stop them, new hot tears would form and stream down her flushed cheeks.

I Don't Care - Cheryl Cole/Chim FanFic (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now