||Chapter 38||

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-Author's POV-

Heaven came crashing down; the world has turned to ash, a sky that once shined with clear blues now haunts with glooms. It was a moment of terror, and fear, the beats to their hearts have broken and torn into oblivion.

The tears come streaming down Kimberley and Cheryl's cheeks.

They're quick to wipe them away.

The words are a blur, their thoughts grow louder and louder. Nothing could justify the longing they had for Madison to be theirs, to biological be Cheryl's, and for Kimberley to fall deeper in love with the same flesh and blood as her wife.

Madison jerks her hand away from Cheryl's burning touch, she stands to her feet; resulting to the doctors silence.

"I think that's enough," The teen clears her throat, and fakes a smile. "I want to go home now." She strides out of the office, leaving everyone in a bit of shock.

"If you're interested," The doctor stops the couple from leaving, "We have a foster system setup, you can foster to adopt a child-"

"We'll think about it." Kimberley gives him a smile and follows the teen out.

Cheryl trails slowly behind; she didn't think it would be possible to feel so broken.

So cold.

So empty.

Her feet drag along the marble flooring, it wasn't until the windy breezes blew their natural airborne; returning her back to reality.

The skies were miserable and angry.

It began to pour, and she'd wondered if god was taking the piss.

She climbs into the car with silence still deafening her.

Madison sits in the back, lost in time, a moment of wishing and hoping that she didn't reveal too much to the women. She'd trusted someone who wasn't whom she'd hoped to be in the end.

Something always shatters a little piece of her heart, but she was filled with emptiness now.

Kimberley takes her jumper off, and leans over to cover her shivering wife. Cheryl doesn't fight it; she was far too weak to argue with someone who she needed more than anything right now.

"Can you please take me home?" Madison whispers, "I just want to go home."

Kimberley looks at the teen through her rearview mirror, "You don't want to go out for lunch?" She asks her, already knowing the answer.

"No," Madison keeps her eyes on the outside world. "I just want to go home."

Kimberley sighs sadly and brings the engine to life; the car is gloomed with distress and wishes. The rain pours heavily, prattling against the fogged up windows.

Cheryl reaches over and blindly places her hand atop of her wife's hand resting on the gear stick. She needed contact, and the desperate craving for human contact

Kimberley delicately laces their fingers together, never questioning or flinching to her wife's sudden clinginess.

She drives with care through the flooding streets.

I wanted her to be me daughter. Cheryl mentally cries.

The Range Rover comes to a soothing stop, before Kimberley is able to put the car into park; Madison had already darted out of it.

The teen rushes through the rain, it beats down on her; she ignores Kimberley's calls and runs straight into the house.

She slams the door shut and releases a deep exhale.

I Don't Care - Cheryl Cole/Chim FanFic (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now