|| Chapter 56 ||

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-Author's POV-

The comparison was worlds apart. Madison's mind is a whirlwind of Kimberley, Cheryl, and Clara. Over and over again, the teen compares the women. She was unsure how to stop the constant appraisal, she loved them all, but she was unable to control her mind from wandering.

"Alright," Kimberley brings her out of her thoughts. "We eat first, and then we'll lollygag around listening to some good tunes." She nods, never being around such chaos.

Maybe Mum was right. She thinks. Only people that live on the streets come to these events.

The teen forces herself to enjoy the women's company. She did miss them after all.

"What're you in the mood for sweets?" Cheryl asks, giving her daughter's hand a gentle squeeze.

"Umm," Madison hums in thought, she notices strangers gawking their way, and a few teenagers walking towards them. She wasn't ready for the commotion; all Madison desired was to spend her day with Kimberley and Cheryl.

'Cheryl!' The girly squeals sound, instantly getting the Geordie's attention.

'I'm your biggest fan!'

The crowd soon begins to form; Madison's hand is torn from Cheryl's. She steps back, her heart rate shoots through the sky. It was the thought of sharing Cheryl and Kimberley, having their attention being taken away from her.

Yes, she was selfish. It occurs to her, she was never the type to envy such attention. With the women, she was different; the world was different through her green eyes.

Cheryl looks around, hoping to catch a glimpse of her daughter in the mayhem of screams and squeals. Kimberley stands beside her wife, protecting the Geordie from harms way, the grabbing, the screaming, and most of all, the fans that took advantage of her wife's time.

Madison sighs, taking a seat on an empty bench and occupying her time with the white iPhone in hand.

I should go home. She thinks. Mum was right.

The crowd grows within seconds. Security storms to the madness, helping the married couple out of the swarm.

"Wait!" She hears Cheryl shout, "Me daughter! Where's me daughter?!" Her head snaps up, meeting the Geordie's frantic eyes.

Cheryl releases a sigh, pushing past the strangers with Kimberley in tow. She walks over to the teen, her expression lingers with trouble.

"There you are," She smiles, taking Madison into her arms. "I don't think this is a good idea-"

"We'll have security with us babe." Kimberley speaks softly, her hand stroking the teens back in comfort.

The crowd stays in place, watching the couple and their daughter mumble words to one and other.

"I don't know baby-"

"I really wanted to see the live music." Madison's words muffle against her mother's chest, "And I'm hungry." She pouts, getting a laugh from the women.

"Okay, I'll go have a word with security." Kimberley walks away, leaving the mother and daughter to whisper words of contentment to each other.

"You alright?" Cheryl asks, taking her daughter and sitting them both on the empty bench. "C'mere." She pulls the teen onto her lap, ignoring the shouting fans begging for her attention.

Madison shrugs, relaxing into her mother's arms.

"We can go somewhere else if you like-"

"No, Kimba promised to play the piano." They giggle in unison.

"You know damn well she's not going to play it."

"It's worth a try." Madison giggles again.

Cheryl knew her wife wasn't comfortable to play in front of an audience; she hid her talent away, only ever showing it to her loving Cheryl.

They sigh, "Are you okay?" The Geordie asks again, needing to be reassured.

"Mhm." Madison hums, her fingers play with the necklace around her Mother's neck. "Where's this from?" She asks, taking notice of the small diamond incrusted heart necklace.

"Kimba got it for us," Cheryl smiles at the memory. "It was for our one year anniversary together. It's special to us."

Madison smiles at the Geordie's love for her wife. "It's very beautiful." She compliments, never releasing the jewelry from her fingers; she continues to fiddle with it as they wait for Kimberley's return.

"Yeah," Cheryl gets an idea. "Sit up." Madison listens to the Geordie, she sits up in her mother's lap and looks at her with confusion.

"Why are you taking it off?" She frowns, watching Cheryl unclasp the necklace.

"Come here-"

"Why?" Madison moves back.

"I want to give it to you-"

"But it's for you - you just said it was special-"

"And I'm giving it to you." Cheryl laughs lightly. "Will you just come here-"

"No I don't want it-"

"Don't you know it's rude to reject a present-"

"Mum says-"

"I don't want to talk about her right now," Cheryl tuts. "Come here."

Madison sighs; she gives in and moves forward allowing the Geordie to put the necklace around her neck.

"Thank you." The teen whispers, her cheeks rise in embarrassment.

"You're welcome." Cheryl smiles, she strokes her daughter's flushed cheek, giving a few kisses to the delicate skin and pulling Madison back into her arms.

I've never been given anything like this. Madison mentally thinks. It was a special gift, she promises herself to never take it off and always care for it.

Kimberley returns with three security men following her close behind.

"I think I've picked three of the best men," The security laughs at the witty woman. "You guys ready?" She asks, smiling at her wife and daughters embrace.

Cheryl helps her daughter up, "We don't need an entourage Kimba." She laughs lightly, "One would have been just fine."

"Gotta protect my girls don't I?"

Madison's heart melts to the woman's words.

"Alright superman, come on." Cheryl laughs, taking her wife's hand, but never releasing Madison's. They walk hand-in-hand, the security team always protecting them, and allowing the family to enjoy their day - normally.

"What are you in the mood to eat Mado?" Kimberley asks, already walking them to a food stand.

"Ummm," Madison licks her lips. "Can we get chips?-"

"Coming right up-"

"Ooo! Can we get sausage and gravy-"

"Of course-"


"Okay I don't want you getting a tummy ache sweets-"

"But - can we get crisps with cheese sauce, look they have it." The teen excitedly points to the picture plastered on the large menu.

Kimberley laughs, "Where are you going to fit all this food? Eh?" She pats her daughter's stomach in humor.

"Hey!" Madison pouts, "Fine. Don't get me anything." She huffs, sticking her nose in the air.

Cheryl's heart melts to her daughter's pout. "Put that away," She draws Madison into a one-arm cuddle. "We can get what you like, but let's start with the chips and work our way up."

"Fine." The teen sighs.

She lets Kimberley order their meals, each getting something different, allowing Madison to taste a little of everything she was craving.

Madison smiles at how thoughtful the women were. They always put her into consideration, with every decision they made.

"Here we are," Kimberley hands the large plate of chips to the teen, "Here baby." She passes Cheryl the oversized burger cut up into four pieces.

"Thank you." They thank her in unison.

Madison sloppily eats her chips, not bothering to offer.

"Are you hungry love?" Kimberley chuckles, accepting a bite off Cheryl's burger.

"Mhm," The teen nods. "Want some?" She asks, offering the blue-eyed beauty.

"No thanks-"

"Oh go on," The teen pouts, bringing the chip closer to Kimberley's mouth.

The older woman rolls her eyes in defeat, and opens her mouth to be enabled.

Madison laughs, her green orbs sparkle with glimmering stars. She's never been so relaxed, happy, or felt so alive. She makes sure to take in every moment of the day, the sound, and the happiness seemingly lingering in the air.

"Kimba?" The teen pouts.

"What?" Kimberley huffs, playfully rolling her eyes.

"Can you play the piano?" Madison asks, nodding her head to the graffiti styled grand piano. "You promised-"

"Now I did not promise-"

"You kinda did babe-"

"Stay out of it Cheryl," Kimberley cuts her off, jokily tuting. "I'm not doing it-"

"But you said you would." Madison stomps her foot, she huffs and walks ahead of the women.

"Don't upset her-"

"I'm not." Kimberley sighs. "I just.. Baby, you know.. I don't really like playing in front of.. Idiots." She whispers the last of her words.

Cheryl giggles. "Nobody is an idiot around here-"

"Erm." Kimberley looks around; noticing fans still following them close behind. "Have you taken a look at your fans? They've practically attached themselves to us all day."

"Not me fault-"

"Shoo them away or something."

Cheryl rolls her eyes, "I'm not doing that." She meets the fans eyes, making sure to smile and give them a sweet wave.

"Now you've got them going." Kimberley tuts, she walks past her wife and trails in Madison's direction. She tosses her empty plate with aggravation.

"Are you going to play-"

"No." Madison frowns to the older woman's tone.

"Alright," She frowns, "No need to get pissy-"

"I'm not - I'm sorry." Kimberley sighs, taking a seat beside the uninterested teen.

"Whatever." Madison rolls her eyes; she grumpily finishes the last of her fries and tosses it into the bin beside her.


"I said whatever." The teen stands back up and darts to the live music currently playing.

Kimberley runs her fingers through the pink locks, which seemed to be fading away with each passing second.

She sighs again, it wasn't her intention to ruin everyone's mood. But she never did like the media, fans, and Cheryl's entourage following them around. It was privacy she loved, and ever so rarely did she get it.

Cheryl cautiously walks over to her unimpressed wife.

"Do you want to go home-"


"Why are you being like this-"

"I'm not arguing with you in public." Kimberley hisses, standing to her feet and grabbing the Geordie's hand. "Let's go get her and get out of here."

"You're being a total dick right now-"

"You can call me all the names you like when we get home," Kimberley drags her through the crowd, "Heck, you can throw your tantrum all you want."

Cheryl rolls her eyes, not bothering to fight her wife's hand off.

They hurry over to Madison; the teen is engrossed in the band playing their beautiful tunes. She feels the women's presence, but chooses against acknowledging them.

"Do you like them?" Kimberley asks.

Madison ignores her.

"I've heard some of their music before, they're a small band called-"

"Did I ask?" The teen shoots, keeping her eyes focused on the band.

Cheryl smugly smiles at her daughter's attitude.

"You're not going to let this go until I play the damn thing. Are you?"

The teen shrugs, leaning against the metal railing. She forces herself not to smile, deep down Madison knew she'd always get her way with Kimberley.

"Argh." Kimberley groans, reaching out, she grasps Madison's hand and takes her girls back over to the arty grand piano surrounded by strangers.

Her heart beats with anxiety.

What the fcuk am I doing?  She mentally thinks.

The teen's smile spreads, "Are you actually going to play?" She asks, watching the pink-haired beauty release their hands and dart to the grand piano.

"She's actually going to do it?" Madison asks Cheryl, getting an excited nod.

Their bodies gravitate towards each other, with Madison being held in Cheryl's arms. They take in the way Kimberley inhales a deep breath and sits down. She cracks her knuckles and begins to play the first key.

Kimberley's fingers work expertly against the white keys, creating a melodic tune releasing into the blissful air.

Madison bravely releases herself form Cheryl's arms, at first the Geordie is confused, but soon a smile forms to her expression. She bites her lower lip, containing her happiness as she watches her daughter stand behind her wife and drape her arms around the now smiling beauty.

She makes sure to capture this moment. Taking more photos than necessary, her heart was flaring with pleasure.

Madison giggles, wrapping her arms further around Kimberley. The mother and daughter share a smile, but the piano tunes never stop.

I'm so happy. The teen repeatedly thinks.

Her giggles never settle, and the raving in her system never diminishes.


Cheryl glances back to her sleeping daughter; she suppresses a laugh, absorbing the teen in.

"Kimba," She giggles, getting her wife's attention.

"Hmm?" Kimberley takes her eyes off the road for a short second.

"Look." She giggles again, this time taking a photo of a sleeping Madison.

They laugh in unison.

The teen sleeps sprawled out in the backseat, the seatbelt carelessly strapped, one hand grasping a sugar pop and the other limply holding onto an oversized pink candy floss.

"I don't want her to go," Cheryl pouts, turning back in her seat and looking through the photos she'd sneakily taken all day.

"Who said I'm taking her home?" Kimberley sniggers, driving them all home.



"I don't want problems.. Just, take her home. I know we both don't want to-"

"You're wasting your breath talking right now. I was never taking her home."

Cheryl sighs, knowing her wife was as stubborn as they come.

"But, baby-"

"Don't but baby me. It's not going to work Cheryl, I don't give a sh*t. She's coming home, that's where she belongs, and that's where she'll be staying."

Madison stirs in the backseat, releasing a snore and returning back into her deep happy dreams.

"I don't mean to be harsh baby," Kimberley speaks softly, taking one hand off the staring wheel and resting it on her wife's thigh. "But, we did come to an agreement. They should know to stick to their words, instead of thinking it's okay to take her back when they please."

Cheryl nods in agreement, her own hands playing with Kimberley's fingers.

"And I don't appreciate it that tit talking to us like she's some superior fcuker-"

"Kimba." Cheryl giggles, "She'll wake up hearing that." They glance through the rearview mirror quickly.

"Shh you," Kimberley smiles. "I want to apologize for the way I behaved earlier."

Cheryl shrugs, looking out of the window.

"I didn't mean to snap like that," She gives the Geordie an affectionate squeeze to her thigh. "I'm sorry baby."

"Its alright, its not me fault they follow us. I can't tell them to stop, they are me fans, they're the reason behind me fame baby. Without them.. I'd be nothing-"

"Even without your fame, you're everything to me..." Cheryl's heart melts to her wife's words, she turns around and leans across the hand rest, giving Kimberley a sweet kiss against her cheek, below the ear, across her jaw line, and down the pulsing neck.

"What you doin'?" Kimberley's breath hitches, biting down on her lower lip and taking in each lingering kiss being placed to her skin.

"I love you." Cheryl breathes into her ear, placing a kiss there.

"Stop that." The pink-haired beauty breathlessly releases a soft giggle. She trails her hand up, blindly placing it to Cheryl's cheek all while keeping her eyes on the road.

"Kiss me." She demands.

"Baby, you're driving-"

"I said kiss me." Her words repeat with dominance.

The Geordie unclips her seatbelt, kissing the corner of her wife's lips, and quickly sealing them together.

As quick as their lips touched, they're torn apart, only getting a groan from Kimberley.

"You can kiss us all you like when we get home." Cheryl giggles, sitting back in her seat, and fiddling with her wife's fingers through the rest of the car journey.

Kimberley groans in dissatisfaction. "You're lucky we're only a minute away."

Madison slowly awakens; her vision comes into clarity.

"Hmm." She whimpers, stretching out and dropping the sweets from her once tight grip.

"Ya up sleepy head?" Kimberley sniggers, pulling up to their gated home and pressing the button available in the range rover.

The gates automatically open.

"Where are we?" She squints; her voice soft and low, the overtiredness still evident in her system.

"Just coming home now." Cheryl turns around, giving her daughter a smile.

"Home?" Madison sits up, noticing where they were for the first time.

"Yeah," Kimberley cuts in, swiftly parking the car in front of the large home. "We're home." She climbs out of the car, and walks around, opening both of her girl's doors.

"Mum wants me home." Madison stays in place. "She said I have to go home after-"

"I'll give her a call-"

"But she said she wanted me home. I don't want her to get upset.. She probably wont let me go out with youse again-"

"Madison." Kimberley speaks firmly, "I said I will talk to her, come on now.. Out you get." She forces the teen out of the Rover, and walks her up the grand stairs with Cheryl walking close behind.


"Do you not want to stay here tonight sweets?" Cheryl asks, stroking the teens back with affection.

"I didn't say that-"

"Okay then." Kimberley grins, opening the front door for them. "Now go inside and change out of your clothes - are you still tired?" She asks.

"Fine." Madison sighs, "What time is it?" She asks, following Kimberley into the kitchen, and sitting herself down on the barstool.

"Just gone ten babe."

"I'm going up for a change," Cheryl announce, "Do you want to come up with us sweets? I can give you something to wear?"

"I'll go up in a bit." The mother and daughter share a smile.

"Alright." Cheryl walks out of the kitchen, leaving Kimberley and Madison alone.

"Did you have a good time today?" Kimberley asks, walking to the fridge and grabbing them each a drink. She hands the teen a bottled lemonade, and opens herself a cold beer.

"Yeah," Madison giggles. "I think I had too much sweets though."

"I bet," Kimberley grins, taking a swig out of her beer. "I think you had every sweet in the festival-"

"Can I try some?" Madison asks, taking in the way the older woman drinks her alcohol.

"Ya havin' a laugh?" Kimberley sniggers.

"Just a sip?" The teen pouts.

"Nah," Kimberley shakes her head, "It's not good anyways-"

"It's not like I'm at a party or anything.. I'm doing it in front of you. Mum and Dad let me drink wine at home sometimes-"

"You're fifteen-"

"Please Kimba." She pouts further.

Kimberley sighs, she glances out of the kitchen making sure her overprotective wife wasn't anywhere in sight.

"Fine. Just one swig though." She hands the glass bottle to the teen, allowing her to get a taste.

Madison nearly spits out the drink, "That's disgusting!" She hurriedly opens her lemonade and down half of it.

"Told you it wasn't good." Kimberley chuckles; finishing the rest of her beverage.

"Why would you drink that!?" The teen screeches, her face screws up in disgust.

"I like it." Kimberley shrugs, tossing the now empty glass bottle in the recycling bin.

Madison shudders, "I'm going up to change-"

"Come give me a cuddle first." The teen giggles, falling into the loving woman's arms, accepting every kiss placed to her face.

"Go on." She gives Madison a pat to her bum.

"I'm going. I'm going." The teen huffs, she walks out of the kitchen and heads up to the married couples bedroom.

"Cheryl?" She knocks, walking in and finding the Geordie washing her face in the en-suite.

"In here baby." Cheryl calls out.

Madison leans against the bathroom doorframe, she captures the way Cheryl so delicately washes her skin. The way her hands lather the luxury soaps, taking time and allowing her skin to be infused with the product.

"Did you hear us babe?"

The teen didn't realize she'd gone away with the fairies, "Sorry, what did you say?"

"I said I laid out some clothes for you on me bed - you okay?" Cheryl frowns, she dabs her skin with the towel and takes notice of her daughters dazed state.

"Yeah fine," The teen giggles, quickly walking away and grabbing the clothes her mother had picked out for her.

"Hey," Cheryl stops her before she darts out of the bedroom. "What's the matter sweets-"

"I said I'm fine-"

"Don't bullshit us-"

"I'm not. Could you please let go of my hand."

Cheryl sighs, freeing her tight grip. "Please talk to us, if there is something on your mind I'd want you to find comfort with us."

Madison's eyes falter to the cream carpet.

"C'mere." She allows the Geordie to take her hand once again, sitting her down in her arms.

Cheryl presses her lips to the side of Madison's face, needing to love her daughter for a few seconds, minutes, and hours. She forever wanted to hold her daughter the way she currently was, in her lap, with their arms tangled up in love.

"Did I do something-"


"Did I say something? Did someone tell you something? What's the matter baby?"

Madison sighs softly; her body melts into her mother's arms.

"I don't know, I just.. I feel a bit..." She groans, unable to find the right words to say.

Cheryl remains silent, her fingers run through the teens chocolate locks. She gives her daughter all the time she needed to collect her frantic thoughts.

"Life is a bit complicated right now.. Don't you think?"

"Yeah, I guess it is. But, it's only complicated if you let yourself believe it-"

"But it is." Madison sits up.

Their eyes meet. Soft browns and greens mingle and mix in beautiful seas of worry.

"What's complicated about it?" Cheryl asks, her hand reaches up and strokes the teens soft cheek.

"Lets see," Madison takes a deep breath, loving the feel of her mother's affection. "It's not everyday you find who your biological.. Mum is.. Then there's Mum and Dad who aren't too happy with it, and I know Kimba is ready to blow a fuse or two on them. I'm not stupid. Youse might think I am-"

"I didn't say you were stupid, what gave you that idea-"

"I'm just saying-"

"Don't put words into me mouth," Cheryl scolds her, "Don't ever think for one second I would say you were stupid or any of those ridiculous terms - understood?"

Madison nods, her shoulders slump in defeat.

"I've told you a million times not to do that-"

"I'm just saying-"

"I know sweets, I know you're just saying. I always want you to come to us, but don't for one second think I'd ever say you were stupid." Cheryl lifts the teen's chin, forcing their eyes to reconnect.

"Now tell us what else is on your mind."

Madison shrugs.

"Maddy, please."

"I feel like everyone is getting upset," The teen whispers, "I can just feel the tension."

"I'm sorry-"

"Why are you apologizing?"

"Because, we should have handled this situation differently." It was Cheryl's turn to look away from her daughter, "This is all me fault anyways."

Madison remains silent, because although she wanted to disagree and comfort the Geordie, deep down she knew none of this would have occurred if Cheryl didn't give her up.

"It is what it is." The teen stands to her feet. "I'm just going to go change." She gives her best convincing smile and leaves the Geordie alone.

Cheryl slams her fist against the sofa, her anger rising. "Fcuk!" She slams her fist again.

What have I done? She mentally beats herself.

The memories drag through her mind, it felt like years of wondering where her daughter was, or if her baby was happy in a world filled with evil.

She slumps forward, resting her elbows atop of her knees. It was a job controlling the tears, as the first tear slipped out of her teary brown orbs; there was no stopping. She cries for many reasons, with Madison the main cause of her sadness it was never-ending waterworks.

Kimberley steps into the bedroom to find her wife in a crying mess, she's quick to bolt to a distraught Cheryl.

"Hey what's the matter?" She asks, getting on her knees and forcing the Geordies hands away, and meeting the hysterical face.

"I-I don't know what to do Kimba," she cries. "What am I meant to do?"

"What's happened?" Kimberley wipes the flowing tears, over, and over again. "Come on, tell me what happened?"

Cheryl hiccups, "I-I can never do anything right."

"Cheryl. I'm not messing about anymore, tell me what happened." She demands.

"Baby, n-nothing happened. I just.. Fcuked up. We'll never have her.. We'll always have to share her." Kimberley's face crumbles; she pulls her wife into a tight embrace, whispering sweet nothings into her ear.

"No more tears baby. We can't change the past, all we can do is work on the future. Let's not make the situation harder than it already is, we have to accept it. Maybe in time she'll be ours, truly ours.. But for now, the future okay?" Cheryl nods against her wife's shoulder, holding on tightly and never wanting to let go.

"I love you, even with these random emotional episodes you get." They giggle, both bursting with love. They could never imagine a life without each other, breathless moments of souls connecting and creating shooting stars.

Madison takes her time dressing, she was sure the tension between the three women was going to be evident once returning. It was a job keeping her emotions controlled, it was another quality she'd inherited from the Geordie. She was a sensitive soul, but ever so rarely did she let her true self be known.

Her movements come to a stop, noticing the glimmering diamond necklace around her neck for the first time. She smiles, stroking the beautiful jewelry resting against her neck.

Her heart beats just taking a minute to absorb the beauty of it.

With a deep breath, she walks over to the floor length mirror and stands still. Her eyes never avert from the tiny diamonds creating a beautiful heart shape.

I've never been given anything like this before. She thinks.


Madison was afraid, she was afraid to give her heart completely to Kimberley and Cheryl. The fear that she'd love them with every inch of her, resulting to them leaving. Just like Christopher. Leaving her with shattering pieces to pick up for years and years.

She blinks the thought of her brother away; the tears would be saved for another time.

A knock to the door brings her back to reality.

"One second!" She calls out, pulling up the pajama shorts Cheryl lent her.  "Come in." Smoothing down her vest top, she stands awkwardly in the middle of her large bedroom.

Kimberley and Cheryl emerge through the bedroom door.

"Hey," The Geordie smiles at her daughter. "Ya goin' to bed.. Or do you want to come down and watch a film with us?" She asks with hopefulness.

"Erm," Madison shifts her eyes, licking the corner of her lips. "Did you call my Mum?"

"Ah damn-"

"You didn't call her?" The teen groans, rushing over to her bedside table and grabbing the iPhone.

5 Missed calls.

"She's going to be so fcuking pissed now!"

"Calm down-"

"No you don't understand!" Madison whimpers; ready to hit the redial button.

"Let me call her - hold on relax." Kimberley sighs, snatching the phone from her daughter.

"You're going to set her off now-"

"Will you calm the fcuk down!" The older woman snaps, instantly shutting the teen up. "I'll be right back." She walks out of the bedroom, and closes the door behind her ready to give Clara a piece of her mind.



"Madison Harris-"

"Try again-"

"Why do you have my daughters phone!? Where is my daughter!" Clara shouts, the fuming evident in her hissing tone.

"My daughter is in her bedroom, she'll be spending the night where she belongs-"

"Who the fcuk do you think you are-"

"Kimberley Tweedy-Walsh-"

"I'm coming to get my daughter right now!" Clara snaps, already looking for her car keys.

"Yeah, don't waste your time. There's no way you'll be driving past the gates-"

"I'm bringing the police! You've kidnaped my daughter-"

"Oh don't be so dramatic," Kimberley laughs dryly, only angering Clara further. "Listen here you piece of shit." She grits, walking into her own bedroom and shutting the door secreuly behind her.

"We still have a week and plus days with her. Don't think you'll get your fcuking way when it comes to my wife or me. You're lucky I haven't bashed your head against the fcuking wall-"

"Are you threatening me!?"

"Take it however you fcuking want!" She growls, "Don't fcuk with me, don't test me, don't fcuking think for one second I will ever let your fcuking remarks go easily. Do you fcuking understand!?" The bubbling anger could not be controlled when it came to Kimberley; it was impossible for her to bite back the words.

"Do you know who I am?-"

"An idiot."

A silence lingers, but it's quickly cut short with Kimberley speaking once again.

"My daughter will be spending the rest of her stay here, just like we all fcuking agreed to-"

"She has her aunts wedding this week-"

"We'll be taking her," She cuts in. "And we will take her back home right after."

"You're not invited-"

"I've just invited myself." With those words said, Kimberley ends the call before Clara has a chance to reply.

Releasing a sigh, she returns to the teens bedroom. She smiles at the sight of her daughter and wife cuddling on the sofa, whispering words of adoration to each other.

"Spoke to Clara," She announces, tossing the phone on the teal blue armchair.
"Don't know why you were panicking." She laughs, taking a seat beside her wife and daughter.

"What'd she say?" Madison asks, her smile grows with relief.

"She's alright with it," Kimberley shrugs, avoiding her wife's brown eyes. "Also said you can stay the rest of the time we have with each other-"

"Really?" The teen asks, an eyebrow rises in question.

"Damn right - oh she also invited us to your aunts wedding-"

"Really?" She asks again, a frown forms to her expression. Shocked Clara would ever do such a thing.

"Yeah." Kimberley chuckles, "We get to see our girl walk down the aisle. You're going to make a stunning bridesmaid you are." Cheryl's heart flutters at the thought of her daughter dressed in a beautiful gown.

"Guess that will be nice," Madison blushes, her hand mindlessly going to the necklace around her neck.  "Auntie Elsie's got really beautiful taste."

Kimberley's eyes trail down to her daughter's hand, taking notice of the diamond necklace.

"Hey baby, you've got the same-" She frowns, seeing Cheryl didn't have her necklace on any longer.

"Same what?" Cheryl giggles.

"Where's your necklace?"

"Right here." The Geordie points to Madison's neck.

Kimberley smiles "Right where it belongs."


Madison sighs, sleep was nowhere to be found. She groans, wishing the fairies would take her away into the deepest of dreams. It was no use closing her eyes, she'd lie there counting sheep's for hours, and yet here she was.. Still awake.

With a sigh, she climbs out of bed and leaves the large space. With a click to her bedroom, she tiptoes down the hall and stands outside of the married couples bedroom.

Madison contemplates for a second, not sure if it was appropriate to enter their private space at such a late hour of the night.

With a deep breath, she knocks softly and enters their bedroom. It's quiet, soft snores fill the peacefulness. She bites her lower lip and walks to Kimberley's side of the large bed.

"Kimba," She whispers, not wanting to wake the Geordie. "Kimba." With a gentle shake, Kimberley awakens.

"Hmm?" The older woman squints her eyes; gently pushing Cheryl off her she sits up holding the duvet against her naked body.

"Erm," Madison clears her throat, she steps back putting space between the two.

"What is it?" Kimberley's voice cracks to life. The moon light seeps through the bedroom window, giving them enough light to see each other.

"I can't sleep."

"Turn around for a minute and close your eyes." The teen suppresses a giggle; she turns around and covers her eyes. She listens as Kimberley rushes to the walk in closet and returns with clothes on.

"Come here." With soft hands, and a gentle touch Kimberley leads them out of the bedroom, allowing Cheryl to sleep peacefully.

"Did you have a bad dream?" Kimberley asks.

"No.. Just couldn't sleep." The teen shrugs, allowing the older woman to walk them down the hallway. The walls turn from creams to royal blues, allowing her to know exactly where they were heading.

"Do you want me to make you some warm milk.. Isn't that what they usually drink when you can't sleep?" Kimberley pouts, unsure herself.

Madison giggles, "I think so."

"Would you like some?" Their eyes meet as the piano room lights come to life.

"No thank you." The teen replies politely, "Why are we in here?"

"I don't know," Kimberley shrugs. "I had an idea.. I don't know, I once watched a film where a Mum played for her daughter and she fell asleep."

It was so natural, Madison thought. The way she said I was hers, like I've always been hers. Her daughter, her little girl, her blood. In someway I felt the same. She was a mother figure to me, a protector, a father, and a woman I would always look up to. Even Mum didn't have this affect on me, and here I am, giving my heart to Kimberley.

"You think it'll work?" Madison tries to keep her voice casual.

"Worth a try, come here." Kimberley sits down, and pulls the teen down to her lap.

"How are you meant to play when I'm sat on your lap?" Madison giggles, secretly not wanting to sit anywhere else.

"Sit sideways, and rest your head on my shoulder." She does as she's told, her arms enveloping around Kimberley's neck, with her head nuzzled in the crook of the older woman's neck.

Kimberley wraps one arm around Madison, meeting the piano. With both hands comfortably resting on the white keys, she gives her daughter a kiss to the teen's exposed shoulder and plays the first tune.

Madison closes her eyes, suddenly feeling her most relaxed in Kimberley's arms.

"Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring," She hears Kimberley hum the words, whispering them into the large space. The sweet tune eases into her system, relaxing every bit of her being. She sleepily pulls back and places a kiss to Kimberley's cheek, and takes comfort once again in the crook of her neck.

"I love you, Mum." The words sound, stopping Kimberley's world instantly.

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