|| Chapter 178 ||

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Author's POV

It was a long night for the Tweedy-Walsh family, especially for Cheryl. Long and painful labor, many hours, tears and pushing had been given. She wanted to give-up at one point, but the image of holding her babies and finally knowing what she was about to bring into the world kept her going.

Madison on the other hand, hated the babies and what they were putting her Mam through. She sat out in the hallway, waiting for the sound of crying babies to finally make their announcement, just wanting it all to be over.

She hated hospitals.

They made her uneasy, a jolt of anxiety always streamed through her veins when she was around this place.

The nurse finally makes her way out of the birthing room, where Cheryl and Kimberley have spent 9 hours in, wearing a smile to her face.

"Congratulations, you're a big sister!"

Madison simply smiles and stands to her feet, "Can I..."

The nurse kindly nods, holding the door opened for a terrified looking Madison, finally ready make contact with her new siblings.

She stands at the door for a few seconds, looking at an exhausted Cheryl and an exhilarated Kimberley.

Cheryl weakly opens her eyes, feeling Madison's presence.

She beckons her over.

Kimberley cautiously sets one baby down and picks up the other, "Do you want to know their gender?" She asks, looking at Madison, who was now stood by her Mam's side.

Madison shrugs, although deep down she really did want to know. She needed to write the next chapter in her life, one with her siblings.

"We've got one little brother," She holds him up, "And one little sister." She nods over to the other baby, who was now sound asleep.

Madison simply smiles, standing on her tiptoes for a few seconds before putting her attention back on Cheryl. "Did it hurt?"

Cheryl weakly smiles, nodding. "I was younger when I had you, so you were easy to pop out." She chuckles, soon wincing.

Madison smiles, "Can I come in?" She asks, wanting to climb into the bed with her Mam.

Cheryl nods, biting her lower lip she shuffles over and peels the covers opened.

Madison cautiously climbs in beside her Mam, not wanting to hurt her in any way.

"Do you want to hold him?" Kimberley asks, already putting the newborn on Madison's lap, needing her to bond with her siblings.

Madison grits her teeth, not wanting to make any movements, afraid she may hurt the fragile baby, but soon relaxing.

"What's his name?" she asks, not making any movements.

"We hoped you could help us with that." Kimberley perches on the side of the bed, stroking her wife's leg over the cover, looking at a worn-out Cheryl.

They share a loving gaze. "I'm so proud of you." Kimberley whispers, never breaking their eye contact.

Cheryl smiles, tiredly, ready to fall asleep.

"He looks like an Arlo." Madison smiles, looking at her Mam and then back at her Mum, "Right?"

"Arlo is cute." Kimberley nods, agreeing.

Cheryl nods, smiling with tired eyes.

Kimberley takes baby Arlo off Madison and sets him down in his little crib, ready to pick up the little girl.

I Don't Care - Cheryl Cole/Chim FanFic (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now