|| Chapter 132 ||

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Author's POV

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Author's POV

Cheryl clears her throat for the third time since the drive back home from the airport.

"Something on your mind, babe?" Kimberley smirks, already knowing her wife was itching to get her daughters attention.

"No." The Geordie huffs and rolls her eyes, "How much longer until we get home? I need to get me clothes off and take a shower."

"With me?" Kimberley winks.

Madison makes gagging noises in the back, earning her a giggle from Kimberley. 

Cheryl huffs and abruptly turns around in her seat, "What? You just gonna ignore us? What'd I even do? Huh?" The Geordie interrogates her daughter.

Madison rolls her eyes and puts her attention on the iPhone in hand.

"Why am I always the bloody bad guy?" Cheryl sighs and slumps back into her seat, glad to see their gated home coming into view.

"Here we are," Kimberley decides to not comment. She pulls the Rover up to the gates and puts in their code; watching the towering gateways open. The family remains silent as Kimberley drives up the lengthy driveway, not a single word exchanged.

Just as the Range Rover comes to a stop; Madison opens the door and rushes out.

"Leave her." Kimberley stops her wife.

"Why? Why do I always have to look like the killer compared to you? You never get sh*t for anything." Cheryl snaps.

"Now you know I've had my fare share with her. You also should understand, babe... I wasn't the one who gave birth to her. You did. You're not seeing it from her end and how she might be feeling about this. Yes, she agreed to help out with the process but that doesn't mean it's going to be easy for her to accept the fact that her Mam gave her away as a baby and now she's planning to start a family." Kimberley says honestly. "So give her a god damn break." This time Kimberley climbs out and slams the door shut meeting her daughter up the grand stairs and entering the home with her.

I Don't Care - Cheryl Cole/Chim FanFic (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now