|| Chapter 124 ||

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Author's POV

Madison slips into sleep that afternoon, her body completely shattered from the earlier trauma. Cheryl was unsure whether it was safe to leave her little girl, but she knew Kimberley would be home soon and a lot had to be discussed.

She sighs taking one last look at her daughter and quietly slithering out of the master bedroom.

The Geordie decides to clean the mess she'd made earlier in her bedroom, giving her sometime to get her working mind focused on something else.

She sighs.

Her baby. Her Madison. She... She couldn't get herself to say it, she couldn't physically open her mouth and say the five-lettered word.






The words scream in her mind, getting her to fall to her knees and cry out in brokenness.




"No!" Cheryl howls, her quivering mouth releases the sobs she'd been holding in. She clutches her chest; the cries have no end. She couldn't get the image of her little girl being pinned down to the sofa, with rough hands clawing at her body.

"No." She repeats, shaking her head. She wraps her arms around her knees, blaming herself for this mess.

Kimberley walks through the home, surprised to hear noise coming from upstairs.

I thought they were going out for a girls day? She mentally thinks, climbing the stairs and walking straight into her bedroom.

"Baby?" She runs over to her hysteric wife, wrapping the Geordie into her arms. "Baby - shhhhh." She hushes sweetly, kissing her wife's head repeatedly. "Shhh"

Cheryl clings, reminding herself of Madison.

Kimberley remains silent, giving her wife all the time she needed. The mess in their bedroom doesn't go unnoticed, but she decides against questioning, she knew Cheryl would talk sooner or later.

"You okay, baby?" She asks, sometime after the Geordie's cries turned into hiccups.

Cheryl shakes her head, her lips quivering uncontrollably.

"You want to tell me what happened? You're really scaring me now, darling."

"Sh-She.." She couldn't find the right words. Everything was a mess.

I Don't Care - Cheryl Cole/Chim FanFic (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now