|| Chapter 68 ||

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ArtistWriter Note:

Hello, I'll make this nice and short to avoid the boring talk.

First, I'd like to thank you all for your constant love. You have know idea how much your feedback has helped me excel as a writer. So thank you for that.

Second, I thought I'd let you all know I've published another Chim Fic called - High School Sweetheart. So check that out and let me know what you think.

Thank you,




-Kimberley's POV-

So maybe I am a terrible partner. I never appreciated what I had with Cheryl, even with the day's I spent, soaking her in like a springs day melting my cold heart into summer. The bitterness I once sought out to believe everything love truly was, a love thriving into beautiful roses, blossoming in grace.

Most night's I hardly slept, worried if I was ever good enough for her. I thought I loved her right, kissing her tenderly, and touching her from the depth of my soul.

Silly woman.

I shake my head, fighting back the tears of knowing what's next to come. It's a chapter in our book I never thought would be written, our once vibrant world has now painted into blacks and whites. A color that never described our firing love, a flame roaring and shooting into the night.

Now – dead.

The sound of light footsteps instantly get me to sit up, already knowing it was Cheryl ready to walk through the front room.

"We need to talk." She says, never meeting my eyes.

I nod, engrossing her fidgety actions.

"Our daughter is crying her heart out," She whispers, slowly lifting her eyes to meet my saddened blue-greys. "..But I have to do what's right for us." A sniff is sounded, scrunching her nose each time. Melting my heart into a puddle of cringe worthy love.

I go to speak, but she's quick to cut me off.

"We need space—"

"Babe, no—"

"Kimberley, please." She sighs, running her fingers through the silk brown locks.

My heart beats quickly.

Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.

Ready to fall out of my chest and give out right before my eyes.

"Could you stay at your Mum's place for a while?"

"What do you mean for awhile?" I breathe. "We're married Cheryl," My teeth grit in frustration, trying to get my mind around this crazy rollercoaster ride our relationship has taken. "You..You can't leave me." I hold back the tears, although, it's no use. My line of vision is blurred, the sadness evident to my beautiful wife.

"We just need space, try to understand where I'm coming from—"

"You're a coward." I growl, standing to my feet, resulting my tears to tumble down my flushed cheeks. "You're always quitting on us—"

"What are you on about?!" Cheryl stands to her feet, "Don't you go making up sh*t—"

"It's not the first time you've broke up with me." I push past her, marching up the stairs and routing to our – her bedroom. I'm not wanted here, so why should I claim a room as ours?

I Don't Care - Cheryl Cole/Chim FanFic (GirlxGirl)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ