|| Chapter 58 ||

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-Madison's POV-

It was something in the air this morning; I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Auntie was soon to be married, and Jeffry in route to the mansion I have been calling home.

Strange is one word to describe my new life.

Three mothers and a father, many wouldn't understand I'm sure. I had yet to call Cheryl Mam.. Mum.. I'm sure she'd prefer me to call her Mam, but then again it wasn't really up to her.

Kimberley was more than just a mother to me; I have found peace when in her presence that I have yet to find with Cheryl. Maybe it was the fact Cheryl and I had such history, with her giving me away so carelessly. It still keeps me up most nights, the image of a baby me held in her arms one second, and the next in a strangers embrace.

My line of vision clears with my thoughts swaying away, and soon reality turns into clarity. Here I was in my room, greys paint the walls; dark ash furniture picked out so tastefully, and of course the teal blue armchair they surprised me with not too long ago.

Yes, they were thoughtful I have come to find.

Maybe I should give Cheryl a chance; it's difficult for me to open up my heart to her even after sounding the three words of I love you.

I sigh, my gaze falling to the dust free ceiling. This house was far too big, and far too clean. I smile thinking about Kimberley and her untidiness, two total opposite women coming together, falling in love, and building a home worth millions. A home built for a family.. Family. I am their family now, and I can see the love in both of their eyes when they look at me each day, kiss me, and hold me like I've never been held before.

The sound of footsteps get my attention, I instantly sit up and recline back into the mounted pillows Cheryl insisted on piling behind me.

A knock to the door, followed by a slow creaking sound allows me to know Cheryl and Kimberley were entering my bedroom for the morning kisses and chat.

"Ah you're up," Kimberley smiles, she walks in, followed by Cheryl close behind. "I thought I'd have to wake you." We share a smile, unable to keep my happiness hidden for long.

"Good morning," I whisper, meeting Cheryl's brown eyes. They sparkled when I spoke to her, as if her heart was held captive in those large brown orbs.

"What time is Jeffry comin' to get ya?" Cheryl asks, both relaxing beside me on the large bed. "Do you want us to make you something to eat?"

"No-no," I shake my head. "Mum said we'll be having breakfast together before heading to the salon." The sparkle in her eyes diminishes to the mention of my mother, I notice it each time I utter it aloud.

"Let Cheryl and I take you." I shake my head again.

"Mum said Jeffry will be picking me up, she specifically told me to go with him." It seemed to me Kimba and Cheryl didn't have much of a liking to Mum, but she is my Mum after all. She raised me, taught me right from wrong, and I will always put her first.

"Well how long do we have with each other?" Kimberley asks, reaching out and stroking my hair.

I sigh, "An hour or so."

"Let's have a small breakfast-"

"Kimba," I groan, moving away from her touch. "Mum said I will be having breakfast with her."

She rolls her blue eyes, letting me know she wasn't too happy with my answer. "Whatever," She stands up, and heads to my bedroom door. "I'm going to make myself a brew - baby, would you like one?"

I Don't Care - Cheryl Cole/Chim FanFic (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now