|| Chapter 52 ||

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-Author's POV-

Kimberley glances at her wife, quickly in hopes Cheryl doesn't catch her sneaking peeks. It's a car ride filled with tension, sadness, and a broken heart that belonged to the Geordie who was currently fighting back the tears.

"You can't blame her," Kimberley cuts the silence. "She's only fifteen, she's probably happy her Mum is taking her out."

Cheryl remains silent, she had no energy to neither argue nor speak a single word.

"She said she wouldn't be out long," The blonde tries to comfort her wife, "She did apologize.. She said she was sorry and it wasn't something she'd planned to happen." She glances at Cheryl once again, not seeing her react to the words being said.


"I don't care anymore Kimberley," Cheryl sighs softly, "She obviously doesn't want to be around us."

"Now you know that's not true-"

"She'd always choose her.. She'd always choose them over us." Kimberley's heart breaks to her wife's gloomy words.

"Why don't you send her a text-"

"No point. She wont reply anyways.. She's with.. Her." She finishes her sentence with a scuff.

"I've got an idea," Kimberley gently stops at a red light, "Why don't we spend the day together, we'll waste time until Madison comes home." She places her hand to Cheryl's thigh, she gives it a squeeze getting her wife to finally look at her.

"What're we going to do? I'm going to be in this mood all day I'll have you know-"

"You know I love every mood of yours." This gets a ghostly smile to appear on Cheryl's lips.

"I'm sorry." She sighs sadly, "I don't mean to constantly be in a mood." They share a light smile.

"Baby, I don't want you to hide the way you feel - Let me drive us somewhere and we'll have a proper talk? Okay?" Cheryl nods, she takes her wife's hand into her own, never letting go throughout the entire car ride. Kimberley speeds through the streets, trying to find the perfect place to just be with her wife.


Madison's smile matched her heart that was currently thumping with ecstasy. She couldn't wipe away how happy she was to finally spend time with her mother, she'd dreamed of moments like these. Moment's Clara would take her out for lunch, and enjoy a conversation that was easy going, with no filter needed.

"Mum you should see their garden," Madison rambles, "It's beautiful I think you'd love it." She doesn't realize how much she's been talking about the married couple.

"Tell me something else sweetheart," The Mother tries not to sound annoyed, "Let's not talk about Cheryl and Kimberley all day now." She laughs lightly, forking some salad into her mouth.

"Okay.. Um.." Madison tries to keep Clara interested, "How's work?" She asks, eating her salad too.

"Oh we've been busy, busy, busy." The teen tries not to show her discomfort. "But we're never too busy for you." This gets Madison's smile to grow sore.

"Your dad and I were talking last night actually, now that I think about it." The mother laughs lightly, "What do you say we take another family holiday? Anywhere you like. It's your choice."

Madison sets her cutlery down, "But how would it work.. With Cheryl and Kimberley? Shouldn't they have a say in this?"

Clara laughs, "Sweetheart, who was there for you all your life? They just came into it."

I Don't Care - Cheryl Cole/Chim FanFic (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now