Chapter 41

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Chapter 41 Cheating

    In the end, Xu Yue was still not officially recognized by the Tang family. Cun Yi and Tang Xian stayed at home for a few days, and Tang Xian would occasionally learn the art of flower arranging from his aunt, while Cun Yi lay in the room and seldom went out.

    "What's Yiyi doing lately? Why don't you go out anymore." The aunt trimmed off a flower leaf and said something to Tang Xian.

    "Maybe I'm tired from staying in the training camp." Tang Xian giggled, imitating his aunt and cutting off an extra leaf.

    "That can't be boring all the time." Auntie complained a little.

    Tang laughed and said nothing, just glanced upstairs.

    Upstairs, soft slow music was playing in Cun Yi's room. Cun Yi sat cross-legged on the bed, with a laptop on her lap, and she was sorting out the outline of the original novel. That's when she found out. Her existence seems to have changed the plot of the book a lot, but the main line has not been affected in any way. Some of the disrupted plot twists from other events, as if the plot is...healing.

    [Please reply when you see it. You don't want to make Xu Yue feel better, do you? ]

    When Cun Yi saw this new news, she was not in a good mood. The man on the opposite side is almost crazy, sending her a message every few hours. Cun Yi had the idea of ​​pulling the opposite side. But to some extent, isn't the person opposite a poor person?

    Cun Yi pressed the backspace key heavily on the laptop, seeing that the context that she had sorted out for a few days was suddenly deleted, she felt calm in her heart.

    Even if the main plot is going to the worst ending, she has found a loophole that can be exploited.

    "Meow ~" Yimao walked in with catwalks, staring at Cun Yi with blue eyes.

    "I won't make trouble with you today, silly cat." Cun Yi picked up the phone and went back to the opposite side.

    【I go. 】

    The first day of school is also the day when the competition results will be announced.

    Auntie sent Cun Yi and Tang Xian to school together and drove back. Cun Yi helped Tang Xian carry some things and went back to the dormitory first.

    "It's so trendy." Tang Xian, who was following behind, couldn't help sighing.

    "It's been a long time since no one lived here. Give me your things and I'll clean them up." Cun Yi took the things from Tang Xian's hand.

    "Then what should I do?"

    "You see me tidying up?" Cun Yi looked at Tang Xian and rolled her eyes at her, and said with a smile, "Forget it, you go and wipe the table. There are square towels on the bottom shelf of my closet. "

    "That's about the same. Now I eat at your house and live at your house. If you let me be lazy again, then I can really hang on." She wished that

    Tang would stay idle, Cun Yi Smile, not much to say.

    "What's more... I'm not really a young lady." Tang Xian squatted down in front of Cun Yi's cabinet, opened the cabinet to find a square towel, and said, "Don't think that my fingers don't touch Yang Chunshui or anything like that now. ~~"

    Cun Yi made a bed at the other end, and heard Tang Xian muttering, "I didn't say that. Our Tang Tang is the one who washed the dishes." It's just that the dishes were seriously lost.

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