Chapter 55

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Chapter 55 Reunion

    When completely enveloped by sea water, Tang Xian found that his heart was calmer than expected. She used to struggle and be afraid in her dreams. Later, Cun Yi pulled her hand, and she felt that the sea in her dream was dry.

    So, Cun, you will also pull me this time.

    Tang Xian closed his eyes tightly, and gradually opened his clenched fist. Under the sea, she was buried in the sea like a white transparent jellyfish.


    Xiao Hu laughed as he saw his son having fun with the kitten.

    "Honey, what time is it? Why hasn't the girl come back yet?" The boy's father looked at his watch, twenty minutes had passed since the time he had agreed with the girl named "Cun Yi".

    "Yeah, why hasn't he come back yet?" Xiao Hu also became suspicious.

    "Nothing will happen." The man put away the fishing things, and gently patted the son who was holding the kitten.

    "Wait..." Xiao Hu hesitated.

    The fish in the small bucket flicked its tail vigorously, and the water in the bucket splashed the little boy all over. Xiao Latiao, who was lying comfortably in the little boy's arms, was inevitably wet with water.

    "Meow!" Xiao Latiao struggled and jumped to the ground, frantically throwing the water off his body.

    "Cat~" the little boy quickly squatted down to hug the cat.

    The conversation between the husband and wife was interrupted by this episode. The little boy's father quickly squatted down and hugged his son, "Bao'er, cats can't run away. Look, there is water on the cat's body, and it wants to shake it off." "Water?" The little boy's eyes widened

    . Xiaopang pulled up the hem of his clothes, and said to his father tearfully, "My clothes are wet too." "

    Go and change your son's clothes first. I'll look at the cat." Xiao Hu felt helpless, "Wait After a while, the girl will probably come back. I think she seems to be fishing for the first time. Maybe she wants to play more." "

    Well, I hope so." The man led his son, "Let's go, Dad will change your clothes for you .”

    "Slow down." Xiao Hu instructed.

    The man waved his hand casually, "Understood."

    The family didn't really think that something would happen to the girl named Cun Yi. In the morning, the people played with the cat well with their son, and said that they would give the cat to their home. Unexpectedly, the world is impermanent, and people just disappear like that. Xiao Hu hugged his son, a little afraid and a little sighing.

    She and her son waited in place, and the boy's father ran to the crowd to check the situation. Not long after the boy changed his clothes, Xiao Hu heard someone exclaiming that someone had fallen into the water, and many people surrounded him. Worried about what happened to the girl, she asked her husband to go and have a look. I don't know what's going on now.

    "Meow~" Xiao Latiao vaguely knew that its cheap owner was gone, so it had a little more aura than ordinary cats. Now it can't figure out whether this is what the fat cat wants to arrange. And I don't know if it can still eat fish meatballs, its cheap owner clearly said that it would make it for it.

    "Maomao is not afraid." The boy touched Xiao Latiao's head.

    "Meow." Xiao Latiao rubbed the boy's palm, turned around and ran into the crowd.

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