Part- 22

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I was staring at Tejasswi while she was sitting besides me near the bar, keeping her eyes towards her feet. I was busy in staring at her that I didn't even notice when Jessica came and stood in front of me. She slapped my shoulder hard and then only I looked at her.

Karan: Hey, what was that for?

Jessica: Because you were not even looking at me. You were so busy in staring at your beautiful wife that you didn't dare to look at your best friend.

She made a dramatic face while pouting her lips and hugged me. She took me off guard by saying those words and as soon as those words slipped from her mouth, Tejasswi looked at me with wide eyes. Shit!!!!

Karan: I wasn't staring at her, I was just checking on her if she's alright. Don't make silly assumptions by using your little mind.

I said and clicked her mind with my finger and she winced in slightest pain. She sat besides Tejasswi and started talking to her while I got enough time to admire my beautiful Wife Tejasswi.

I don't know why I found Tejasswi so beautiful and attractive today. I didn't want to leave her but it would not be good to stick with ladies when almost every single businessman was there in the party.

I felt that she was safe with Jessica I left them alone and went to meet other businessmen to build contacts with them. That's what we all billionaires do in parties.


When Jessica said that Karan was staring at me, my heart started beating faster and I looked at him to find out the truth and damn he was stating at me. I blushed at the thought of him looking at me.

He went away when Jessica and I started talking to each other. Even though Jessica was a good girl and she was accompanying me but I was missing his presence. As soon as he left, I felt something strange.

Jessica was talking non stop and she told me that she had three relationships in her whole life and how she ended up having sex with all of them but not even a single relationship worked out for her.

She told me that she also wants to have a prince charming and a love marriage like me and Karan. Only I knew how much love we have for each other, she wasn't aware of anything.

According to her, we were most lovey dovey couple but only I knew the truth so I just pretended to be happy in front of her.

We gulped two or three shots and she spilled the drink on her dress by mistake and she excused herself to go to washroom to clean the dress. I was left alone and I silently sipped from my drink.

I was enjoying my drink silently when I felt someone's hand touching my back and it didn't felt like Karan's touch. The touch seemed different and I didn't like that at all. I turned my face and found a man standing behind me,

Tejasswi: Wh...who are you?

The man: Hello, I'm Aniket Singhania, May I know the name of yours beautiful lady?

I wanted to punch that man badly because his hand was still there on my back and he was looking at me with lusty eyes and I wasn't feeling comfortable but I controlled myself as Karan warned me to behave well with his friends and colleagues. So I decided to suppress the urge of slapping him and tried not to be rude.

Tejasswi: Hello, I'm Tejasswi Kundrra.

Aniket: Are you married?

Tejasswi: Yes Sir,is there any problem with that?

His expressions changed from being flirtatious to serious but in less than a minute, he managed to smile.

Aniket: No, not at all. I was just wondering how can someone get married such a young age. You looks like so young to get married. By the way, who's that lucky man?

The lust was dripping from his eyes and I was feeling disgusting.

Tejasswi: Karan Kundrra, he is my husband.

And after hearing my answer, his expressions changed into serious one again and a creepy smile flashed on his face.

What was he thinking? Who was he and why his expressions changed when I mentioned Karan's name?

I wanted to become invisible at that moment but I know it was something impossible to wish for. But the way Mr. Singhania were looking at me, was making me puke in disgust.

His gaze was piercing me and I was hell a lot uncomfortable under his gaze while he was glaring at me shamelessly, not even bothering to blink.

Aniket: Would you mind if I sit here?

He asked and before I could say something, he already took a seat next to me. Wow. Now someone tell me, what was the use to ask me if he was going to sit anyway? Such a bastard.

I was behaving well just because Karan told me not to spoil his image and I didn't want to create a scene there otherwise I wanted to slap on his face.

I decided to ignore him and started drinking my juice. Even though I wasn't looking at him but still I could feel his gaze on me. God, what's the problem with this weird fat man?

He started talking about random stuffs and most of his talks were about him, such a self obsessed jerk. Why was he even telling me about him, it's not like I asked him to tell me about him?

I was having arguments with my mind when I felt his hand over mine and I looked at him with wide eyes and he smirked at me. Now he was really testing my patience.

I withdrew my hand and he bent to say something in my ear and I almost felt like throwing up after what he said.

Aniket: I can give you everything whatever you want; money, luxury life, status and sex.

Tejasswi: What the hell are you talking Mr. Singhania?

Aniket: Oh dear, I know very well that neither you love Karan nor he does. You both are just pretending in front of us. I looked at him in shock and he grinned sheepishly.

Tejasswi: You have misunderstanding about me and Karan. It's nothing like you think. We both love each other and we don't needto pretend anything in front of anyone.

Aniket: Hmm, looks like Karan did a great job by giving you training about how to pretend to be a good wife. Nice, I like it.

I was more confused now, I mean how the hell he knows everything? I don't think Karan told me about any of these things? And by the way of his behavior I have a feeling that he hates Karan so much.

To be Continue.....

Here is the next chapter!!!
I know you feel it's a boring chapter but for future updates this one is important soo please adjust kr lo🥲

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~ Your Chotu & New Writer ❤️

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