Part- 57

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Helloo lovely people's!!!
Shower some love to this part!!!
Hit the STAR Button for next update!!
And Yeahh Happy Raksha Bandhan to all of you❤️
Happy Reading ❤️


I drove towards the movie theater and we reached there almost in an hour. Teju didn't talk much throughout the whole ride and I was dying to listen her sweet voice.

I opened the car door for her and she exited the car. We walked inside the theatre at the right time. We took our seats and the movie get started.

She was stealing glances in between but my eyes were fixed on her the whole time. She was observing me time to time and when I didn't look away, she finally decided to speak.

Tejasswi: Why are you looking at me like that Sunny?

(Karan in mind: oh my god finally she called me feels like I'm hearing this after movie plan is working... please God help me to bring back my laddoo)

Karan: Like what?

Tejasswi: I.. I don't know.

I smiled at her reaction, I couldn't see her cheeks but her cheeks must have become red. I took her hand in mine and pulled her on my lap. Even though she was feeling shy but still didn't protested instead settled on my lap.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and placed a soft kiss on the top of her head. She placed her head on my chest and I kissed her cheeks one by one.

She was watching the movie and my eyes were fixed on her only. I was moving my fingers in her hairs and she was getting relaxed. It's been half an hour and she finally decided to speak.

Tejasswi: Sunny ?

Karan: Yes love?

Tejasswi: Do you regret getting married to me?

I looked at her in complete shock. The question was so sudden and I wasn't expecting something from her. What's going on in her mind?

I made her look into my eyes and cupped her cheeks.

Karan: Look at me sweety.

She raised her chin and looked into my eyes.

Karan: What's bothering you? Why did you ask me that laddoo?

Tejasswi: Answer me Sunny, please.

Her eyes formed tears and I immediately answered not wanting to let her shed any tears.

Karan: Never. I will never regret that because you are so perfect and I'm very lucky to have you in my life, Laddoo.

Tejasswi: But I've made your life worse. I..

I cut her between and said...

Karan: Can you explain why do you think like that?

Tejasswi: It's because..uhm..since the day we got married, you are not able to spend your day peacefully. Your life has become chaotic and the reason is none other than me.

Karan: You are overthinking things sweetheart. You didn't do anything, it's life, happiness and sadness is a part of life. If today we are sad then we will experience happiness too and that's how life works.

Tejasswi: But you were happy before I came into your life sunny!

Karan: Who said that I was happy? I was the most ruthless and unhappy person. I was coping with my past life experience and I acted like an idiot when you came in my life. I hurt you, accused you for no good reason but still, you decided to stay. You didn't make my life chaotic instead I was the one who made your life like a living hell and that's the thing which I regret the most and I'm trying my best to make you happy because I am regretting the moments in which, I treated you badly in past.

Tejasswi: But I'm happy now and you are taking good care of me.

Karan: No, you are not happy laddoo. I've failed to make you happy because you are not happy at all. I failed to put even a smile on your face and I'm feeling like a useless person. I'm useless and I....

My eyes moistened a little and I threw my head to the back of the seat, to hide my tears. She needed me at that time and I didn't want to become weak at that moment. I had to be strong for my wife, I blinked few times and looked at her again with a smile on my face, She was looking at me and a stubborn tear escaped from my eye as soon as I looked at her.

Damn it. Her eyes became soft and her lips started quivering. She placed her head on my chest and started sobbing. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and caressed her back.

Tejasswi: I'm so sorry for making you feel like that Sunny. I'm sorry for taking too much time to get back to normal.

Karan: No Laddoo, don't be sorry. You can take as much time as you need. I just want to see you smile and trust me I won't give up until I will make you happy like you used to be. I promise, wifey.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and whispered.

Tejasswi: You won't leave me, right?

I closed the distance between us and kissed her lips. I devoured her mouth with my tongue and kissed her passionately. I broke the kiss and looked straight into her eyes.

Karan: Never, I will never leave you, wifey. She opened her mouth to say something but I spank her and she closed her mouth within a second.....

Karan: Get back to work.

With those words, I started kissing her once again and she laughed in between. Finally, I was able to make her smile. The plan worked out well.

Here is the next chapter!!!
Did you all like this emotional conversation of TejRan???
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~ Your Chotu & New Writer ❤️

Marriage: Nightmare To Fairytale ✨❤️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora