Part- 58

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I was in my cabin resting my head on the back of the seat when suddenly the door of the cabin flew open and revealed the very ugly looking face of Rishi. He was looking so much angry and gawky.

I straightened my back and looked at him in a very calm look while he was fuming with anger.

Rishi: How dare you, Karan?

I didn't say anything, just lifted one of my eyebrow to give him a signal to go on. He approached my table and stood in front of me, looking straight into my eyes.

Rishi: You shouldn't have mess with me. I can destroy you.

Karan: Oh really? I will like to know that how you will ruin me, Rishi.

He became silent knowing very well that he was the one who messed up with the wrong guy.

I left my chair pushing it back in anger and took two long strides towards him and stood in front of him.

Karan: You shouldn't have hurt my wife but you did and a piece of shit like you...

I took one step closer to him and continued...

Karan: Deserves all this.

Rishi: Why did you finish my daughter's carrier?

Karan: She also deserves that as she and her mother also hurt my wife.

Rishi: Don't do that to my daughter, I can't tolerate any shit against my daughter.

Karan: Same goes with me, when it comes to my wife; Rishi. I will not tolerate any shit when it comes to my wife. I can do anything and everything for my wife. She is the one whom I love the most and I will protect her at any cost. Even if I have to kill someone to protect her....I will.

He gulped after hearing my words and he started looking down towards his feet. He sighed heavily and knelt down in front of me. He started crying out loud. It must be his new trick or some sick game but there's no way I'm going to trust him now.

I kept standing there in silence and he didn't stop crying in front of me. I was getting impatient and he was testing my limits. That's it, I've seen a lot drama, not anymore.

Karan: Enough. You can cry in your house, I don't have time for your drama. Get the hell out of here.

I said and he clung to my legs and started pleading.

Rishi: No, Karan. Please..please don't do this to me. Fine, I'm an asshole and I know I've done wrong with Teju but...

Karan: Don't you dare to call her name with your filthy mouth.

I will chop your tongue and I won't even think twice before doing that.

Rishi: I'm sorry, I won't. I know I hurt your wife but please don't punish my daughter for my sin. I beg you, please don't spoil her life. She has dreams and I can't see tears in her eyes.

I became so angry that I couldn't help but pull him up by holding his hairs in my fingers. I made him stand in front of me and he winced in pain because I was almost ready to pull out his hairs from the scalp.

Karan: Tell me you fucker, are you real father of Teju?

Rishi: No.

Karan: You liar. Why did you lie to her, then?

I pulled his hairs more fiercely and then he spit the truth.

Rishi: I'm not his real father. Her mother and I are friends when we were in high school and have crush on each other. We both were young and young people does mistakes. So we decided that we will be careful and won't do anything because I didn't want to get married to her soon as I needed some time to start my carrier.

One day our family fixed our marriage but I wasn't ready for marriage because I didn't want to spoil my carrier at such a young age.

I tried to make our families understand but they was being so stubborn and decided our marriage. I was forced to get married at that time because my father told me that if I won't get married to her, he will evict me from the property.

After the marriage she said she loves me and I thought this is the best life.

Everything was going well and I got a job in a multinational company. I came back to my house to tell her good news at first but when I came back, I found someone kissing her. I was very angry because the guy was kissing my wife and she was kissing him back. When they spotted me, she pushed him away and told me everything. She told me that he was her boyfriend and she loved him but her father didn't agree to their relationship.

My heart broke down into million pieces because she betrayed me. She even lied to me that she loved me while she just slept once or twice with me to play her tricks on me. I got to know that she was two months pregnant when we first had sex. I started hating the child since that time. I know it wasn't her fault but I couldn't help it.

We decided to get divorced and she agreed to that but she asked me to give her some time until she deliver the baby. I agreed and when she has given birth to teju, I took care of her very well because no matter what I loved her. I took a very good care of her but I hated Teju because she was someone else's child. She was the proof that my wife betrayed me.

After one month, she got the call from her boyfriend and got to know that he didn't want to keep the child that's why he made an excuse of his business trip and left her alone. He never contacted her since that day and she started getting depressed day by day. Even though I didn't want to accept Teju but I still loved my wife so I decided to give our relationship a chance. That time she agreed with me and we both spent good time, talking to each other that day.

Everything was going well and one day my family got to know about her boyfriend and Teju is not their blood so they started cursing her mother..she was depressed because of all this happening.

Next day when I came back from my office, I found her lying on the floor. She stabbed herself with the knife and left me alone in the world with that unwanted child, Teju.

Karan: What was the fault of Teju in all that?

Rishi: She was innocent but I was too weak to accept that my wife was at fault because she betrayed me. I put blame on Teju and covered my guilt with that. I am sorry Karan but please forgive me. Don't spoil my daughter's carrier, I beg you.

Karan: I did what you all deserves and I won't change my decision.

Rishi: Karan, please.....

Karan: Get. Lost. Rishi

I said putting pressure on each words and he left while crying out loud. There was so much to understand and my head was pounding painfully. I didn't want to spend even a single second in my office as Rishi's face was coming back to my head agin and again and his words were playing in my head on repeated mode. I took my car key and drove towards the house as I had no urge to work today. I needed some peace and that means, I needed my wife.

Here is the next chapter!!!!
I don't know what I have written please gaffe mat dena!!
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~ Your Chotu & New Writer ❤️

Marriage: Nightmare To Fairytale ✨❤️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora