you belong to me.

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I smiled at his kind words, but at the same time I felt like I couldn't ask Bill to take care of me, as if I was his daughter.

'Thanks Tom, but I don't know if I could ask Bill something like that'

'Think about it, you know that Bill would be more than happy to help you', Tom said, turning his back to me and going back to his stool to eat his cereals.

'I'll think about it, but now I have to get ready, or I will be late', I said, running back to my room.

Once I got there I closed the door behind me, putting my back against it.
I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair; I was trying to think about a solution that didn't have anything to do with Bill, but nothing came to mind.
I thought about going back to my friend's place, but she wasn't really the calm type: she clearly had a drug problem, she would always have boys spending days in her house, and as grateful as I was for letting me stay there, I couldn't consider living there for good.

I started to change, putting the same clothes on, when I noticed a shirt on the right side of my bed that I didn't notice when I first woke up.

'So that you don't have to wear the same shirt, I know how much you hate wearing the same clothes for more than two days. Bill'

I smiled at that little note that was carefully placed on top of the shirt and I put it on, and after brushing my hair I went back downstairs.

Tom was still sitting on his stool, and he was observing me, still eating.

I was still wearing those same clear wash jeans, and Bill's simple black shirt, that I decided to tie around my waist right above my belly button, so that my piercing would be visible.
I knew Tom noticed it, as he was analysing every single inch of my body, like it was the first time he ever saw me.
That didn't bother me, on the contrary, I wanted to have fun a little. I wanted to make sure I still had that side of me, that side that would've made me feel human.

I smiled at him, putting my bag on the table, and I slowly walked up to him.
He didn't take his eyes off of me for one second, and observed my every move, while I was standing in front of him.

I bent a little, to reach his hear.
'I'll se you later, Tom', I whispered in his hear, giving him a soft and insignificant kiss on the lobe.

I turned back to head out of the house, feeling satisfied about my sudden act of power, but I felt something gripping on my wrist, that made me turn back to where I was standing.
I looked at Tom's hand first, and then at his face, his mouth, that once again was curved in a smirk.

'Don't ever do that again', he whispered, and in that moment he did something I never thought he would.

He quickly got up from his tool, pulling me to him and putting his hands on my hips.
I was frozen by that sudden gesture, but once again it was Tom we were talking about, I didn't know what else I was expecting.
He took my hands and carefully placed them around his neck, while placing his own hands were they first were.

'We can always stop, if you want', he said looking at me straight in the eyes and smiling, knowing that I didn't want to stop.
His touch made me feel weak, like I wanted more, and even if I wanted to stop I wouldn't have been able to.
I shook my head, and saw Tom's smile grow bigger.

After a few seconds his lips were on mine, but at first they didn't move, they were perfectly placed on top of mine, almost as if that was the place they belonged to.
I could feel his lip piercing slightly pushing against the corner of my mouth, and I presumed that mine was doing the same in the centre of his lips.
He started moving his lips, slowly, letting me follow him in what was a sweet and delicate kiss at first, but that transformed in pure passion not too long after.
His tongue touched mine slowly at first, and then a lot more decisive, making me let out a little sigh in his mouth.
His hands were caressing my back going back and forth, and strengthening the grip on my hips, while mine were playing with his neck and his braids.

Tom backed up a bit to look at me and smile, and a second after he picked me up in his arms and carefully put me on the kitchen table, going back to where he left, with my legs tied behind his back, and my hands still on his neck.
His lips left mine to move to my neck, while giving me mild and sweet kisses, which made me feel extremely relaxed, to the point where I tilted my head to give him more space to work with.

'Can someone please explain what the hell is happening here?', Bill's voice made startle, and quickly brought both me and Tom back to reality.
With my heart beating fast, I immediately jumped off the table, feeling embarrassed like I never felt before.
Tom backed away from me, rubbing the back of his head with his hand, and looking down to the floor.
I couldn't really answer Bill, because I didn't know what just happened; I didn't know why I acted that way so suddenly, nor why I decided to satisfy Tom's wishes after years of him trying.
I was stronger than that: I knew when not to put myself in situations that I knew would've gotten me hurt, I knew when to avoid people that only wanted to sleep with me, to use me, - but still that morning I caved in.
Maybe it was the tiredness, the fight with my mom, I didn't know what it was, and even if I didn't regret it, I promised myself that it wouldn't have happened again.

I turned my head to Bill, who was looking at him with a look both confused and disgusted.
Unable to say anything to him, or Tom, I took my bag from the table and I ran outside the door, feeling the twins' eyes burning on my back.

I ran to my car, locking it, and I stared at the closed gate before turning it on.
My life was slowly starting to feel like a mess again.

Tom's POV

I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed at what Bill had to witness, not that I particularly cared if he knew about it or not, but surely I didn't want him to see it.

I tried to avoid him and go back to my room, after Pearl practically ran away, leaving me alone in that situation.

'Don't try to leave, Tom', Bill took my arm, forcing me to turn to him, 'I want you to tell me what the fuck you two were doing'

'Well, isn't it obvious?', my response came out of my mouth almost naturally, and even if it sounded sarcastic, it wasn't.

Bill, however, didn't find it funny at all, and he got even madder than before.

'I will not let you ruin her, Tom, not Pearl'.

His words hurt me, because they were true: sadly, I spent years using girls as something fun, amusing, but every single one of them knew what they were getting themselves into, they knew that they wouldn't have obtained anything from me.
That was the exact reason Pearl rejected me a few years back, - I knew she was attracted to me too, but she respected herself too much to give herself up to me.
She had a way superior mind in comparison to all those other girls with whom I had something, superior to mine, and superior to Bill.

She was brilliant, her way of thinking and perceiving the world made her one of a kind, and I knew she could've done anything she put her mind to, everything she dreamed of, if she wanted to.
Pearl rejecting me made me understand how any other person I had some kind of relationship with before didn't really want me for me, - they just wanted my money, my fame, the kind of lifestyle being with me came with.
She, however, didn't see me just as someone who's rich and famous, I wasn't an object to her. She saw me as a real person.

Nevertheless, the thought of constantly being used by everyone around me made me feel constant anger, - an anger that I brought inside of me for years, and that faded a bit only when I found her laying on that floor, three months before.

'I won't ruin her, Bill, I promise.'

Call Out My Name|| Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now