room 308.

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Tom's POV

'Good morning, Tom', the doctor told me, as soon as she sat in front of me.

I looked around me, to observe the small office in which I was sitting.
It was a rather small room, with white walls and a desk standing in the middle of it.
The only decorations I could see were a few pictures hanging on the wall, portraying the lady and who seemed to be her husband, and two kids playing in her house's garden.

'I'm doctor Moore, but you can call me Jessie', she said with a smile, after turning her computer off.

I turned my gaze back on her, nodding at her words.

'So, what brought you here?', she asked me, while I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

'I got tired of my boring life in my huge mansion with my girlfriend and all our friends', I replied, in a sarcastic tone.
'What kind of question is that?'

'I figured you might say that', she said chuckling, putting her glasses on.
'What I actually meant is what kind of substance brought you here? Do you drink?'

'I mean, I do from time to time, but it's not alcohol', I waited a few seconds before answering her question, while looking outside of the window behind her shoulders.
'It's cocaine.'

Jessie nodded, noting everything I was telling her in a journal.

'And how long have you been doing cocaine?', she asked, focusing back on me.

'Since I was 16', I sighed, 'but I stopped for a few months.'

'Why is that?', she said, placing her hand under her chin.

Once again, I went back to looking outside of the window, disgusted at the thought of having to relive that night again, as if I didn't think about it every single night anyway.

'I found my girlfriend on her bathroom floor, one night', I started to tell her.
'She wasn't my girlfriend yet, she was my brother's best friend, and we didn't really get along', I giggled quietly, thinking about the way me and Pearl fought from day until night, even if she wasn't aware of my feelings for her just yet.

'To be honest, I already loved her by then, I just didn't want to admit it to myself nor to her', I said, as both me and Jessie chuckled.
'That night, she tried to take her life, and I was the one who found her laying on the floor, that's when I decided I needed to be sober.'

Jessie nodded, but this time she didn't write anything on her journal.

'What's her name?', she asked me.


'Pearl, what a beautiful name', she smiled, as I did the same.
Pearl was really a beautiful name, it suited her.

'And why did you pick it up again?', she asked, 'Did you and Pearl break up? Had a big fight?

'No, we didn't break up. She's the one who came with me here today', I whispered, 'I don't really have a reason to do cocaine, I guess it's just a habit.'

Jessie frowned, not too sure about my words.

'I'm sure there is a reason Tom, even if you can't think of one. That's why I'm here, we'll find it out together so that I can help you.'

'Yeah, I'll se about that', I replied, resting my back on the chair.

'What do you mean?'

''I feel lost without it, I don't think there's any way for me to actually stop', I admitted to her.
I never told that to Pearl before, and I didn't have any intention on doing such a thing, I didn't want to scare her even more, but I couldn't feel like myself again without cocaine, without getting high.

Call Out My Name|| Tom Kaulitz Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora