I'd give it all just to hold you close.

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Pearl's POV

Saturday, 9.00 P.M.

'I still can't believe you're engaged!', Jocelyn exclaimed, sitting in front of me on the couch, while still admiring the ring Tom gifted me.

'Jocy, for the hundredth time, we're not engaged', I replied, laughing, 'it's just a promise ring.'

'I wouldn't say 'just', Bill answered, going down the stairs.
He walked to Jocelyn, giving her a kiss on her head, while she hugged him, smiling.

'Okay, what is the deal with you two?', I asked, looking at the both of them, but no one replied.
Instead, Bill walked to me, took my hand in his and examined my ring.

'It's really pretty', he said, brushing his finger against it, without answering my question.
'You really did a number on him.'

I smiled at him, looking at my ring, and thinking about how much Tom had changed for me.
I loved thinking that I was the one who changed him for the better, - he sure did change me for the better.

'Okay girls, I'm going back upstairs to work on some songs, I'll see you later, okay?', Bill asked us, but mainly talking to Jocelyn, who nodded.

'Hey Bill', I called him, before he left.
'What are you going to do for Tom's parts?'

Bill sighed, shrugging his shoulders.
'I don't know yet, I guess we'll have to hire someone else, at least to record the album.'

'What if I help you?', I got up from the couch, catching up to him.


'I mean, I may not be as talented as Tom, but I can play the guitar too. Maybe I can help you record some songs and when Tom get out of rehab he can adjust them however he wants', Bill's gaze lit up, as he lightly clapped his hands.

'You would do that?', he asked me, 'are you sure it's not too much, with your job and exams?'

'Don't worry Bill', I smiled, 'I would do anything to help you guys and Tom.'

'Oh my god, I love you', he said, lifting me off my feet and laughing.

'I have an idea', Jocelyn said, looking at us.

'I mean, I'm not a musician in any way, but what if you include the piano as well?', she asked, looking at Bill for approval, 'wouldn't it be cool?'

Bill looked at Jocelyn first and then at me, as if he was asking for my permission.

'What do you say Pearl?'

I smiled, -even happier than before,- and nodded.
I always dreamt about letting other people hear and feel my passion, what I lacked was the courage to do so by myself, but I was finally given the chance to do my best.

'I have one condition, however', I said.
'I don't want to be credited on the album, Bill.'

'Pearl-', he said, but I cut him off.

'No, Bill, please. I don't think I can handle any more paparazzis, I don't want to be exposed even more', he sighed, - not agreeing with my decision, - but he nodded, understating that was the best thing I could've done for myself.

'So', Jocy whispered, standing up from the couch and wrapping her arm around my shoulder.
'What if we go out tonight? To celebrate the album and your engagement.'

'Jocy, I swear to god', I replied laughing, resting my head on her shoulder.

'Come on, I know a bar nearby, it's great', she said, leaving me a kiss on the head.

Call Out My Name|| Tom Kaulitz Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon