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Pearl's POV

Nick was standing right in the middle of the living room, staring at me.

He hadn't changed at all: tall, small figure, long curls that fell to his shoulders, and the same glasses he had since he was fourteen.

I took one step forward into the house, so that Tom could close the door behind him.
I could feel his tension on my shoulders, while he remained as close to me as he could.

'Bill', I whispered, moving my head to my right, where Bill and Jocy were standing.

They both looked at me with their eyes full of remorse, but, even though I was in complete shock, I couldn't blame them for letting him into the house.

No matter how much his presence broke me, I wanted to hear what he wanted from me.
I wanted to yell all of the things I had to keep inside of me for so many years.

'Pearl, again, I'm so sorry. I didn't know if you wanted to see him or not, so-'

'Bill, it's fine', I cut him off, trying to smile, 'I do need you to leave, however.'

'Are you sure?', Bill asked me, as I nodded and clenched my fists, trying with all the strength I had to keep calm.

'Yeah, please. I'll talk to you guys later', I said, as I watched him and Jocy walk up the stairs.

Tom, behind me, let out a loud sigh as he walked past me and followed his brother, but, just as he was about he take the first step of the stairs, I called him.

'Tom', I said, looking behind Nick's shoulders, 'can you stay, please?'

Tom immediately turned around and walked back to me, looking at Nick up and down once he walked back.
Just as I was trying to do myself, I could feel Tom trying not to break all of Nick's facial bones.

He placed himself right by my side, although a couple of steps ahead of me, just in case I needed to defend myself.

'Pearl', my brother whispered, his voice making me nauseous and sending shivers down my spine.

'I thought you went back to Italy, Nick', I said, staring right into his eyes.

The sadness, the shock, were quickly replaced by pure anger.
I refused to be scared of a monster like him any longer; I needed him to feel at least a small percentage of the pain I had felt for years, because of him.

'I did', he replied with a sigh, 'I mean, I do live back in Italy. Me and Mike both do.'

'Okay', I answered, not interested in his life, 'so, what are you doing here?'

'I'm-', he started to speak, but quickly stopped as he sighed once again, running his fingers through his long hair.

'Mom called me, she's worried about you. She said that you got drugged in a bar and that you two haven't spoken since.'

'Right, she's worried', I let out a frustrated chuckle while I shook my head and looked to the ground, crossing my arms to my chest.

'I don't really give a fuck if she's worried about me or not, she already said too much and whatever she might think it's none of my business. You can get out', I continued, moving to my right to give him the space to walk out, but he stood still.

'Pearl, please forgive her', he begged, walking up to me.
I quickly backed away, but Tom intervened immediately, as he put himself between me and Nick and pushed him back.

'If you want to talk to her, I advise you to step back and not come any fucking closer, before I lose my temper', Tom whispered a few inches from Nick.

'What are you, her fucking bodyguard?', Nick laughed, crossing his arms to his chest.

Call Out My Name|| Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now