I don't know how to wish anymore.

804 27 45

Monday, 7.30 AM

'Fuck', I mumbled to the alarm that was ringing uninterruptedly for almost half an hour, while the sun penetrated from the opened windows.

I finally managed to turn it off, while I stretched my arms and rubbed my eyes, still half closed.
It was my first day back at work after almost a week, and I was not feeling enthusiastic about leaving my comfortable bed.

I looked over to my left, seeing Tom laying next to me still sleeping, taking majority of the bed as he was used to, with his arms and legs stretched all the way to the edge of the bed.

I smiled, and I crawled closer to him, giving him a little kiss on the lips.
I kept on giving him a couple more kisses, however, he soon woke up.

'Good morning, blondie', he whispered with his sleepy voice, but with his eyes still closed.

'Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up', I said, moving a couple of braids which fell on his face.

Tom finally opened his eyes and dragged me into his arms, squeezing me to his chest.

'Do you really have to go to work today?', he said, stroking my hair.

I put my hands on his chest and my head on top of them, so that I could look at him better.

'Trust me, I'd love to stay here with you all day, but I really have to go', I giggled.

'I'll take you, then', he said staring to get up, but I stopped him by grabbing his arm and making him sit back down.

'You don't have to Tom. I need to go to the college's office today anyway, and you have to meet up with Brad', Tom seemed upset at my words.
I didn't like the idea of him meeting with Brad either, but the sooner he did it, the sooner we all could've forgotten about him.

'I know, I just wanted to pretend I didn't have to. I don't want to see him', I gave him a long kiss, while touching his face gently, before standing up from the bed.

'I know, but this will be the last time you have to. Everything will be fine, don't worry', Tom nodded, closing his eyes again, while I walked towards the bedroom.

15 minutes after I was ready: I was wearing black jeans, a pink T-shirt, and my usual Jordans, with my hair tied in a high ponytail.

I took my purse from the desk and I walked to Tom to give him one last kiss before going to work.

'Call me when you're done giving him the money, alright?', I asked him, as he nodded.

'And you call me once you're done working', I smiled at him nodding, and I went downstairs.

The living room was completely empty, since Bill was still sleeping and Jocy went back to her house, at that point.
I called her, the night she and Bill broke up.
She was crushed, but she also understood Bill's decision and she reassured me that she would've done whatever it took to win him back.
Deep down I hoped so, I saw how happy they were together, but knowing Bill they way I did I also knew it would've taken time for him to completely trust her again.

I got to my car, and after swearing at it a couple times since it didn't want to start that morning, I drove as quickly as I could to work, already being late.

13.30 P.M.

'Hey baby', Tom said from the other side of the phone, while I started to drive towards the center of the city.

'Everything good at work today?', he asked.

'Yeah, I'm just a bit tired. And hungry', I replied.

'I made you some pasta to eat when you come home', I smiled, imagining Tom on the stoves while he prepared me lunch.

Call Out My Name|| Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now