you make my cold heart warm with a touch.

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Tom's POV

I started to drive back home at least half an hour later, I didn't have the courage to face Pearl before.

I was completely high, but I was starting to recollect myself, while I wiped my face with my hands, once I parked in front of the house.

I waited for a few minutes before stepping out of the car and walking towards the front door.
I still needed to metabolise what I had done, and I needed to come up with an excuse to Pearl to why I was late.
I felt extremely guilty, as if I made the worst mistake I could've ever made with her, which was probably the case.

I opened the house, and I saw how Pearl immediately stood up from the couch, running to me.

'Where have you been? I've been worried sick!', she said, throwing her arms around my neck.
I held her closer to me closing my eyes, tasting her perfume and her soft skin on mine.

'I'm sorry, I've ran into a friend', I lied to her, while she backed away from my hug to look at me.

'Why didn't you call me?', she asked with her hands on my arms, but with a pissed off look in her eyes.

'I forgot, I'm sorry', I didn't look at her directly when I said those words, knowing that if she looked at me properly, she would've understood I was lying.

'Who were you with?', she asked me. She was starting to get suspicious, as I felt the panic grow inside of me.

'Jack', was the first name that came up to mind, but I quickly corrected myself once I saw her surprised face.
'I mean, Jack as in Jackson. Not that Jack, Jackson', I stuttered.

She put two fingers under my chin and lifted my face, so that she could look at me in the eyes, and I immediately understood I was screwed.

'Tom!', she shouted, 'are you fucking high?', she asked me, with her eyes fixated on my pupils, which I could've imagined were dilated.

'Yes', I said instinctively, not having the mental lucidity to lie properly anymore.
'I mean, I just smoked some weed with Jackson', I said, even if that sentence sounded so surreal that it almost made me laugh, from all the falsity I was saying.

'Tom', Pearl sighed, disappointed, but not mad like she was a few seconds prior.
'You shouldn't do that.'

'Why not? We've always smoked together', I said, shrugging my shoulders and remembering the moments of our adolescence, when me, her and Bill, were sitting on the rooftop of our old house in Germany, smoking.

'I know, but it isn't good for you now. It may be a trigger for you to pick up hard drugs again', she said with a worried tone.
The only thing I wanted to do in that moment was hug her, while I felt my heart getting heavier seeing how all her worries came true.

'I've got it under control, don't worry', I kept on lying, because that was all I could do in that situation.

Pearl nodded, even if a bit hesitant, and she walked to the couch where I sat next to her, with her legs on mine and her back resting against the armrest.

'I ran into Christian today', she said after a few minutes of silence, and I lifted my gaze from her legs, which I was massaging, to her.

'Oh yeah? What did he want?', I asked, annoyed.
I didn't like Christian, and I didn't like the idea of her talking to him either.

'Oh nothing, he just told me his sister just graduated and she's moving to Chicago.'

'Do you want something to drink? Maybe a cup of coffee?', I cut her off, standing up from the couch, and she nodded.
Being under the influence of cocaine didn't help with my anger at all, and listening to her talking about Christian made my heartbeat accelerate, feeling myself being on the edge of a breakdown.

Call Out My Name|| Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now