Chapter - 1

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The bus came to a stop at the depot. As everyone got off the bus enthusiastically Avni sighed. She looked outside. Dark clouds had gathered in the sky and threatened ominously. There was a cold wind blowing. She shivered for no reason. The bus was warm and the wind was blowing outside. It was the unknown city, unknown people and an unknown future that made her shiver. Why did she feel like that? Was it excitement? No, she had lost that a long time ago. Was it anticipation? For what? There was nothing that she anticipated in her life. Was it trepidation? Maybe. But it was more of the forced promise she had made to someone that made her wary of everything. She was here to start a new life, kind of a new beginning but she didn't feel the enthusiasm for it. There was very little left that made Avni enthusiastic. She sighed again and rose to get off the bus. She had to keep her promise no matter what happened.

She got off and found her suitcase and airbag near the ladder lying unattended. It looked it had been thrown from above as it lay on the ground dust covering it from all around. It reminded her of her life at present. She picked up her luggage and slowly made her way out. She saw couples hurrying away, giggling, laughing, and excited to start their lives together. She saw them and yet didn't see them. Most of them were on their honeymoon. Manali was just such a destination. Beautiful with snow peaked mountains, rivers, forests, adventure and lots of natural beauty with handmade local goods. Avni took a taxi and gave him the address. The way was through the main market and around hotels to the other side of the city where the Dogra's lived. They were family friends she was going to live with during her stay here. She was finishing her B. Ed from Manali. And had taken admission in the local college. She had wanted to stay on her own but then they had found an old friend here, Mrs. Dogra and she had insisted that Avni stay with them. And she had agreed. She had come to accept her fate and so to protest for anything was something she had left long ago. She watched the beautiful scenery pass her by.

Life, two years ago had been so different from her life now. She had been in college had just finished her graduation and had taken admission for a B. Ed course in her own city when destiny had snatched everything from her. She sat up as she watched the car approaching huge gates to a property with a big lawn and a lot of trees marking the boundaries to the place. It was a beautiful brick and wood house with slanting roofs. It snowed in Manali so slanting roofs helped. There were two chimneys from fireplaces in the house rising above the roof. The long winding driveway was made of tiled concrete in a pattern. The driveway itself was lined by a small flowering shrub all the way to the house. The main entrance of the house had a porch in the front and enclosed with glass making it into a sunroom in winters and a balcony in summers. Avni got out of the cab and stood there looking at the house for a few seconds. It was beautiful. The architecture, the design, the wood beams on the ceiling in the porch added style and definition to the place. She could even hear water running somewhere. The sound was muted but definitely there. She looked around for a fountain or a water feature but couldn't find one. Sighing she paid the driver and slowly made her way to the front door.

She paused before ringing the bell. She wanted to go back to things that were familiar, to the people she knew, to the city that held so many memories mostly bad but...but she had promised and she couldn't go back. She had promised she would do this, she would find a new life for herself and she couldn't break that promise it was the only thing she could do and she would. With a sigh she pressed the bell and waited for what life would bring forth once the door opened. She just hoped that life would let her be and find another punching bag because she wasn't sure if she could handle anything else.

What she didn't know was that destiny had its ways of guiding people towards what they need than what they want. It remained to be seen if Avni would recognize the difference and fight for her happiness.


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