Chapter - 26

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It wasn't easy. Karan thought as he stood near the boulders looking out at the flowing river. He had his coffee mug in hand. He had been meaning to apologize to Avni for the way he had behaved last night but it seemed it wasn't as simple. First, he had to find the girl alone and second he had to get the damn words out. He had met Manya in the morning. She had come over early to talk to him. She had been remorseful of her actions the last night and she did understand the severity of her situation too. He had then gently explained to her how it wasn't necessary to take a stand in every situation. Sometimes retreat was the best option and to everyone's advantage. She had also admitted she had practically forced Avni to accompany her and that Avni had constantly warned her about the repercussions but she hadn't listened making him feel guiltier. Karan had just told her next time she better take one of the brothers just as a precaution and that she needed to work on that temper of hers. She had promised to be more careful and after apologizing left. He had been thinking ever since. How to get hold of Avni without going to the main house or getting anyone else involved. He had felt bad about blasting her and it was eating him up. He took a sip of his coffee when he saw a movement from the corner of his eye. Don raised his head at the sound too then realizing it was Avni he kept it down on his paws and closed his eyes. Kiser refused to even look up. Karan had made them exercise so much today they were beat.

He watched Avni approach them cautiously. She was probably on her way to the boulders. She seemed to really like the spot. She looked nervous. Not her fault. The trio that included him and the two dogs were the cause and he knew it. He sighed as she came and paused a few feet away from them.

"We won't bite," Karan said and bit his tongue.

He had to be civil to say sorry not rude.

"Why are they lying like that?" Avni asked slowly as she saw the dogs not even get up. "Are they sick?" she asked.

Karan heard the concern and he was puzzled. She was scared of them. She didn't even like them and yet to see his dogs lazing around she was worried if they were well or not. She was a weird one.

"No, they are being lazy today," he answered, "I made them exercise a little longer this morning," he told her.

She took a few steps forward and he watched her. She came and stood right next to Don who quickly rolled over and nuzzled his head against her feet. He saw first surprise then a relaxed expression come over her face making it soft and gentle.

"His fur is so soft," she said softly.

"You can pet him if you want," Karan suggested, "he likes being scratched behind his ears," he informed her.

"Are you sure?" she asked wondering if she could do that.

"Yes," Karan said resisting the urge to shrug.

Avni slowly sat on her haunches and gently put her hand on the dog's head. He opened his eyes to look at her. And for a second Avni felt fear curl its fingers inside then as she watched Don didn't do anything except just gaze at her with those big brown, soulful eyes. Strange, how she had never realized dogs had beautiful eyes that mirrored their soul. She tentatively ran her hand down his fur coat and Don turned his head to the other side. Despite his laziness Avni saw his ears constantly shifting at the various sounds insects, birds and the trees around him were making waiting to spring into action in case he heard something out of the ordinary. But his fur was so soft. Shades of brown and white mixed with the black. She felt her fear of him disappear as he turned his head and licked her hand. It tingled her and she smiled unknowingly. He was a beautiful animal. They both were. She watched Kiser rise and come towards her. For a second she looked up at Karan but she saw reassurance and she felt better. She somehow trusted him to know it would be okay. As Kiser came to her, he sniffed then settled next to Don and nuzzled her other hand as if asking her to pet him too. She gently scratched the area behind both their ears and after a few seconds she found they had both closed their eyes. She felt relaxed.

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