Chapter - 5

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Avni came around once as she felt strong arms carrying her before she closed her eyes again but she did not lose consciousness fully. She was very aware of the man who carried her and the nervousness of the two females who followed. The man placed her gently on the couch before he moved away and she heard Nilakshi's voice croon gently near her.

"Avni," she said, "bachche are you alright?" she asked.

Then admonished someone probably the same man who had carried her inside.

"Karan," Nilakshi said angrily, "if you were back from your business you should have notified one of us," she said, "and how many times do I have to tell you keep those dogs of yours leashed at all times. You just refuse to listen don't you?" she said with a lot of heat in her voice, "What if they had bitten her?" she asked.

"Mom," Manya intervened, "Don and Kiser have yet to bite anyone. You are overreacting. They are adorable, she ran so they must have thought she was playing," she informed her mother.

"Manya," Nilakshi said sternly, "when I am talking to Karan let him answer for himself and animals are animals no matter how well trained you never know. Even if they hadn't mauled her their sheer weight and force would have crushed her," she said, "Karan would you care to answer?" she asked again.

"Mom they stopped," he said, "nothing happened. Besides she should have known better than to run in front of dogs. I was right behind them and they are well trained they wouldn't dare defy my command," he said arrogantly.

All Avni heard was a deep, very masculine, arrogant voice. Since her eyes were still closed she didn't know what he looked like. So he was Karan the oldest son of Nilakshi aunty and it seemed he hadn't been in town. Maybe that was why aunty hadn't mentioned him yesterday. Man why was it so difficult to open her eyes. She was past her fear now. Her heart beat had returned to normal though at the sound of Karan's voice it fluttered a little. Why was that?

"That is not an answer Karan," Nilakshi said sternly, "she could have gotten hurt. She is a guest here. You know how upset Tej is going to be over this," she said.

"Then your guest should have known better than to roam around the lawns without knowing there are two dogs who live on the property too," Karan said impatiently. "The bloody dogs are better at listening, one whistle they stopped and she kept running despite me yelling for her to stop," he answered, "as for what Mr. Dogra has to say I don't particularly care. He has an opinion on everything whether it concerns him or not," he said and with that turned and walked out.

Avni slowly opened her eyes to see the tall retreating figure. She looked at Nilakshi's upset face and Manya's concerned one.

"What am I going to do with him," Nilakshi murmured.

"Mom you do know he loves those dogs," Manya said quietly, "and he does not like to talk about dad," she reminded.

"I know," Nilakshi said thoughtfully, "but there is no harm in keeping those devils on leash," she repeated.

"He didn't know we had a guest, he just returned last night," Manya said, "it is my fault. I should have warned Avni about it when I took her to look around the gardens," she said.

Avni tried to sit up now that she was feeling better. And that drew attention from both Nilakshi and Manya.

"Avni bachche how are you feeling?" Nilakshi asked.

"I am sorry," Avni said hoarsely, her throat felt parched, "I don't know how I fainted," she said.

"That is alright," Nilakshi replied gently with a smile, "fear can make us do things we don't normally do. Did you get hurt?" she asked.

"No, I am fine," Avni replied as she sat up, "I had no idea you had dogs," she said.

"They are actually Karan's dogs," Nilakshi said, "my elder son. Usually they are on leash especially when he is not around it seems he returned and they were enjoying a bit of freedom. You should not have run like that Avni," Nilakshi said upset, "they are dogs though well trained they are thorough breed German shepherds. Faster, heavier and they run for the kill. You are lucky Karan was right behind them," she said and left it there.

Avni understood what was left unsaid. She could have been badly hurt.

"Relax," Manya said with a smile, "they are still pups. Mom you are only scaring her," she told Nilakshi, "and once you get to know them you will love them. They are adorable. Besides they mostly stay with bhaiya so," she said and shrugged.

"But they are huge for pups," Avni said surprised.

"Yeah, they are a bit bigger but they are only three years old," Manya said fondly.

Avni gathered Manya loved them just like her brother did. After all Karan had defended them. And Nilakshi was right too. She was not supposed to run. But she had been terrified of them. And when they said Karan was right behind them why hadn't she seen him there? Maybe because she had been concentrating only on the dogs. She remembered hearing someone scream 'stop running'. She bit her lip upset at the trouble she had caused.

"I am sorry for the trouble," Avni said quietly.

"It is no trouble dear," Nilakshi said gently, "why don't you go and change your clothes are all dirty. And come for breakfast, it is almost time," she said and rose, "and you don't breathe a word of this to your dad. He will take it up with Karan and I don't want them butting heads over this, get it," she told Manya who nodded.

And she left. Avni got up and for a second was a little unsteady on her feet then she felt better and slowly walked towards her room. She was really sorry for the scare she had caused everyone with her fainting like that. But it had never happened to her before. Why had she fainted? Maybe she had been too scared and hadn't realized it.

Whatever it had been she did not want to cause any trouble between Nilakshi, Tej and Karan so she decided to go apologize to Karan as well. After all it was because of her that he had to listen to Nilakshi scolding him. She hoped he understood. She had nothing against dogs it was just that she feared them to her death.


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